
2 entries for Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Political Disney World

[Progressivism creates and strengthen. Conservatism preserves and protects.]

[Between ‘what is’, ‘what should be’, and ‘how to get there’, people aligned or unaligned regardless of their viewpoint.]

[People are not ‘progressive’ or ‘conservative’ either in opposition to the other by definition: they can think in certain ways.]

[Political Disney World is interpreting people as always bad or always good like characters in a fictional story rather than complex and inconsistent as messy humans can be.]

[The Trend-Anecdote Swapper is a fallacy that misrepresents reality by casting anecdotes as evidence of a larger trend and trends as anecdotal evidence.]

[The motte-and-bailey fallacy stitches a weak and questionable argument to an irrefutable one that gets substituted when the former is scrutinized, so that someone can easily switch between when convenient.]


[Search engine for independent creators that detects ads and page size.]