
346 entries for 2024

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Can you use a hammer without injuring yourself? Give Habitat for Humanity a call. Are you a budgeting ninja? Call Boys and Girls Club and offer to teach young men and women to budget. Do your friends tell you that you talk too much? Go to a retirement home and talk with people who have long been forgotten.

Part of Carlos Whittaker: How to Human.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

there is no language without a listener who can understand what is being said.

Friday, December 6, 2024

[God Speed is three miles per hour. Jesus didn’t take a chariot to get there faster.]

[Can worrying add even a single hour to your life?]

Part of Carlos Whittaker: How to Human.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Top five business lessons

[Clients don’t value your effort or service as much as how it makes them feel or the possibilities it opens for them, so charge who’s willing to pay for that.]

Sunday, November 24, 2024

mocking your opposition without reducing their power is not a flex.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

[Bring some cookies to your neighbour for no reason other than they might need to smile today.]

[I didn’t give her a tip or make her famous, just told her I loved her voice.]

[The point of leaving the flock to go after the lost sheep isn’t to bring them back, but to let them know they’re loved.]

Part of Carlos Whittaker: How to Human.

learn to teach so others can learn

254: Language Transfer with Mihalis Eleftheriou

[We tend to teach by showing but that’s not always what’s most effective; dogs and cats do that too. Sometimes it’s better to explain with words what is helpful for the learner.]

[We’re already translating thoughts into language.]

[Xenophobia that occurs naturally as a brain resonse needs help and solutions more than ostracizing, and learning the foreign language can be super helpful there.]

Friday, November 22, 2024

Dynamicland FAQ

A book cannot do something for you. Instead, reading a book can change you into someone who can do something for yourself. The role of a great medium is not to help people get things done, but to help people become deeper people — by providing a context in which they grow their skills and knowledge, broaden their context and perspective, and deepen their awareness and discernment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

whichever side you take, someone profits from the merch

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Men & Grief

[All grief is one: like touching the ocean at any of the imaginary lines we’ve drawn, it’s all one body of water.]

[When my partner senses that I’m holding back grief and invites me with a simple gesture like a hand on the shoulder, it’s hard to meet them there but I try to anyway, because to say “no worries, everything’s fine” would be to negate their good instincts for how I’m feeling.]

[I appreciate things that make me cry because they give me the chance to shed a few more of the tears repressed during childhood, when I had learned that doing so was dangerous.]

Thursday, November 14, 2024

When does it make sense to focus on not liking someone’s approach versus accepting and appreciating diverse ways?

Sunday, November 10, 2024

[Journalism has a chance to present culture in a psychological order that helps us orient, but often submits to promotional calendars resulting in bestseller lists and cinema charts, as if popularity would be the most useful factor in making decisions.]

[Choosing of what we wish to be informed requires knowing ourselves well enough to not selectively ignore what we need; perhaps it’s a position that could be prepared for with therapy.]

[Political news could draw us into how our society works and equip us to improve it intelligently. Word news could humanize foreign cultures and add context beyond dramatic events to help break us from fixating too locally. Economic news could go beyond standard figures to instill understanong of the human realities behind our goods. Celebrity news could be refocused on people from who we can learn how to be better and realize our own talents. Disaster news could help us feel grateful for every pain-free moment. Consumer news could point us to what can help us live a more fulfilling existence.]

[As humans evolved from a time where not much would change, where when something that did might be important or deadly, we need to readjust our perceptions to clarify that what is novel is not always important.]

[We most desperately avoid introspection when forming awkward but vital ideas, and that’s when the news grabs us.]

[Not everything we need to round ourselves out can be found in the present; for some perspectives we will need to look to the past for ideas that will still be in our thoughts tomorrow.]

[Children, wildlife, and heavenly expanse of the galaxies can give us relief from the news-induced self absorption that our time and moment is the most important.]

Part of The News: A User's Manual.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Art is a tool to help us with a number of psychological frailties which we would otherwise have trouble handling: our inability to understand ourselves, to laugh sagely at our faults, to empathize with and forgive others, to accept the inevitability of suffering without falling prey to a sense of persecution, to remain tolerably hopeful, to appreciate the beauty of the everyday and to prepare adequately for death.

Part of The News: A User's Manual.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

[‘Dining, Travel, Technology, Fashion’ headings can be renamed to ‘Conviviality, Calm, Resistance, Rationality’ as those are what we seek to acquire from our consumption in those domains.]

Part of The News: A User's Manual.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

[The powerful in Europe often decorated their rooms with a human skull, positioned in a way to get their attention, so that they might be reminded of death and refocused on more important considerations in life. The bad news of our day can function as the modern version of those skulls.]

[Hearing about a plane crash that doesn’t affect anyone we know can still transform us into a panicked relative or air accident investigator: we want to research details and receive regular updates (which media organizations will happily use for their purposes]

Part of The News: A User's Manual.

Monday, October 28, 2024

[Societies where everyone wants to be famous also fail to prove that being ordinary will make you feel respected adequate for basic dignity.]

Part of The News: A User's Manual.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

[If celebrities have become so as a response to emotional needs not being met during their formative years, a child wanting to become famous can be a useful gauge to how well the parenting is going]

Part of The News: A User's Manual.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Erin Kissane leaving the internet

[Pretender technologies may only appear to be the next thing, without eventually changing anything, but they can function as a playspace to try possible futures.]

[If we want better networks, we must concretely understand what happened to us, and then use that knowledge to try new things deliberately, with painstaking attention to the human cost.]

Friday, September 20, 2024

I was told a long time ago that ‘modeling your classical music performance on recordings can ruin your artistic integrity because it distracts you from finding your own interpretation’. Only now have I considered how this can parallel in improvised music, where playing ’like the recording’ leads me to be detached from my current needs and capacity. It’s more honest to understand a song from the recording, but without using it as an excuse to skip over dealing with current challenges, which might mean performing it in a way that bears little resemblance to the original, and this can be constructive.