
3 entries for Monday, March 18, 2024

Finally managed to install a custom app via Cloudron by following the tutorial documentation, and without installing Docker.

1. Install the Cloudron CLI locally

sudo npm install -g cloudron
cloudron login

2. Setup build tools

One-click install the Docker Registry App (replace alfa.bravo below with this app domain) and Build Service App (replace below with this app domain) via your Cloudron App Store. Configure the latter’s credentials in /app/data/docker.json via the File Manager

  "alfa.bravo": {
    "username": "CLOUDRON_USERNAME",
    "password": "CLOUDRON_PASSWORD"

and restart the app.

3. Install the pre-packaged custom app

Replace the simple tutorial app with yours:

git clone
cd tutorial-nodejs-app
cloudron build --set-build-service --set-repository alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot --tag golf
cloudron install --image alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot:golf

If you want to update, run cloudron build again, then call cloudron update like so:

cloudron build --set-build-service --set-repository alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot --tag golf
cloudron update --image alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot:golf


Aside from the tutorial documentation, I found some hints in these forum topics:

Typing in 2FA codes is a mistake regardless of how elegantly designed the form is.

Follow what feels fun instead of clever ideas.