
6 entries for Thursday, March 14, 2024

If schemas are like language then they’re also better negotiated through common usage.

Hank Green Unpacks YouTube’s Biggest Problems

[There was a period when books were considered dangerous because we didn’t have the social structures to deal with everyone having access. We’re currently in the messy equivalent with video.]

Indigenous people don’t destroy land. People who love land don’t destroy it.

Chronically making excuses is a missed opportunity to develop resilience through adapting to diverse circumstances.

Let’s expand the discourse about Empire

[America is a business.]

Genius way to clean carpets / couches!

[Make a natural carpet cleaner with baking soda, dish soap, 2 cups of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt, and some fresh lemon juice; mix until foamy. Dip in and squeeze a towel, then wrap a saucepan lid to use as leverage before scrubbing.]