
6 entries for Friday, March 8, 2024

[Skip the self-signup and require participation when releasing a new product. Feedback cycles are more important that ‘how many free users left today?’. Building automation is hard anyway and steals resources from what people actually want.]

Is it funny, or is it hurtful and ppl are laughing to defuse the tension?

[Just like tickling, pseudo-comedy evokes laughter as listeners relieve discomfort and misinterprets their response as enjoyment.]

What’s your role in creating true systemic change?

[If you call yourself an ally to certain people and aren’t getting hit by the stones thrown at them, you’re not standing close enough.]

[Healing without allyship is spiritual bypassing and privilege. Protesting and organizing without healing will undermine the efforts you support. Protest without litigation becomes self-serving, and litigation without protest lacks teeth. Critique without counter-growth creates burnout. Building systems without addressing the ugliness of the current one is detached.

3.5% of the population can shift the entire political reality of a nation.

[Protests spark a sense of possibility and can easily bring newcomers to want more.]

The mind separates, the body integrates.

Imprisoned in every UI is a concatenative REPL operating on a stack. Buttons do “type function + Enter,” GUI renders return stack.

Are there examples of the opposite of this where “imprisoned in every command-line program is a GUI that lets you discover its features” or “type command with arguments becomes a button”?

When capitalism responds, it acknowledges how large a demographic is.