
5 entries for Tuesday, February 27, 2024

All you need is links

A hyperlink is a triple where the subject is the page, the predicate is the link text, and the object is the thing being linked to.

Using the object name as link text could be wasteful.

Subtext explorations on Hashtags

Collecting into tagged buckets is not sense-making, only a coarse-grained first approximation. Sense-making should fold into Orientation, and make it possible to expand your repertoire of Actions. That means synthesizing collected information into new knowledge. This is something linking supports, and tags do not.

Let’s talk about what an iconic photo can tell us about Border Patrol….

Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.

It’s easier to trick people when they’re socially isolated, especially from one another.


Wikipedia places nearby you on a map.