
4 entries for Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The magic of doing $10,000 per hour work

[Busywork is satisfying (swoosh) and easy (ding), so do it cautiously. Email can lack affordances for priority while allowing anyone to send you one, which can easily get you absorbed in what other people demand of your attention. If you can do it hungover, it’s less valuable.]

[Increase your anti-fragility by honing keystone skills: public speaking, writing, sales, technical sensibility, design, and negotiation.]

[$10,000 per hour work is invisible and may produce no results for years or decades.]

A simple habit to let luck find you

I’ve made one [Mutually Beneficial Introduction] per day for 10+ years.

[Once both people opt-in, take thirty seconds to write with details that can’t be found by searching online. Try this regularly.]

Writing, Riffs & Relationships

[Share what you wrote with a deliberately small group of maybe five people: your metric here is conversation and meaningful connection.]

[Write for one person to focus the text and also guarantee there’s at least one person you can share with via direct message.]

[Scan your list of decent drafts considering who you could write each for.]

Grapefruit (book)

Let people copy or photograph your paintings. Destroy the original.