
2 entries for Friday, February 2, 2024

Juke Lockstep | Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة

Middle eastern oboe/reed/clarinet head banger with body shaking beat.


Instead of striving to be the fastest or smallest or whateverest, we explicitly aim to be the framework with the best vibes.

HTML, The Mother Language

There’s a subtle line between something feeling magical, and something feeling like magic. We want Svelte to feel magical — we want you to feel like a wizard when you’re writing Svelte code. Historically I think Svelte went too far into magic territory, where it’s not 100% clear why things work a certain way, and that’s something that we’re rectifying with Svelte 5.

So when we design things we need to think about the people who haven’t read the docs in a while, if at all, and don’t care about things like fine-grained rendering or configuring their build tool. This means that things need to be intuitive, that we shouldn’t need to worry about manual optimisations like memoisation, that we should have as few APIs as possible, and that things need to be discoverable — for example you should be able to hover over a rune and get a link to comprehensive documentation.