
3 entries for Tuesday, January 30, 2024

NIOSH Sound Level Meter

Monitor for the room volume level made by the CDC.

I’m turning off my website analytics because I’m very brave and I promise I truly do not care about the numbers

Cosplaying internet detective doesn’t do much to sate my curiosity, it just lets me spin my wheels and trick me into thinking I’m being productive.

I turned off analytics

I don’t care about what gets ranked on Google, I’m not trying to optimise for the people who come from that channel.

People who arrive via search are just looking to get a question answered and move on. That’s great and I hope I can help them, but they are not the reason I’m here. This site is here for the people who stay a while, have a look around and then send me an email to start an interesting conversation.

I’ve been feeling similar lately, but erring on the side of continuing until there’s a specific reason to stop; there’s some underlying fear of losing something in the future that I can’t describe. The data is kind of boring—maybe the whole notion of this analytics exploits a ‘wanting to know where people come from’ and the deep-seated desire for connection. I’m curious in your case, why not ‘just’ make a filter to see the non-search data?

I definitely believe in meaningful connections as the fundamental focus for myself; measuring this might be valuable but not necessary for me, I’d prefer to hear people’s stories of change over seeing numbers. Wishing that your ‘search query’ returns results 🙏🏽☀️.