
3 entries for Saturday, January 13, 2024

We’re not saying what we’re saying, we’re saying what we’re not saying.

Kevin Komisaruk, American-Canadian Keyboard Musician

messaging that bombards us daily: fear and compliance are the new virtues to signal and will ensure our survival.

I also wonder how they process the contradiction of seeing our society celebrate those who disrupted history with peace and compassion, while persecuting those trying to do the same today.

Against Positive-Sum Thinking

Imagine luring each ant into a small individual-ant-sized box with honey, then scattering the boxes. This “maximizes the revealed preferences” of each individual ant, but it kills the ant colony as surely as boric acid.

our legal system is fundamentally oriented around individual rights, not group rights. No group has the property right to any individual. (No group, that is, other than the state).