
3 entries for Thursday, November 9, 2023

How to prevent getting sick as often..

[Mix one teaspoon turmeric, half teaspoon ginger, one teaspoon vanilla essence, and half cup of honey into a syrup and stir in a pinch of pepper. Take one teaspoon daily as a natural antibiotic to help with cough, headache, cold, and flu.]

Let’s talk about what peace will look like and news for the next generation….

[When the slogans that people shout are more important than the lives of a future generation, it guarantees the continuation of horror.]

[Peace in this conflict will mean heartbreak, rather than celebration, as authorities tell the families of victims that their cases will no longer be investigated.]

Birds Aren’t Real? How a Conspiracy Takes Flight

[The crisis of belief can only be addressed after the crisis of belonging.]