
43 entries for November 2023

Thursday, November 30, 2023

The German prefix “zer-” is a tiny Terminator.

legen: to lay zerlegen: to destroy

teilen: to share, to split zerteilen: to destoy

siedeln: to settle zersiedeln: to destroy (by settling)

setzen: to set zersetzen: to destroy (by corrosion)

drücken: to press, to squeeze zerdrücken: to destroy (by squeezing)

Zerjoy our language!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

venting has a purpose.

[Let hotheads vent without interruption to ‘deflate the balloon’. Ask them to repeat with ‘can you please tell me that again?’ so that they can speak more calmly (they’ve already vented). Ask questions of fact like who, what, where, when to engage with their analytical side.]

Using all flavours of Solid

Whereas classically we think of the situation where a user interacts with one identity provider, one storage provider, and multiple applications, recent experiments in practice have moved more towards also using multiple storage providers linked to a single identity.

There is an example app called Projectron which is mentioned throughout the Solid Application Interoperability spec and which can be used to track projects and issues; a first step would be to make this app compatible with the SolidOS Issue tracker, so that issues created through Solid OS will “magically” show up when you open Projectron.

Problems and Goals for Interoperability, Collaboration, and Security in a Solid Pod

Applications must have a shared understanding of data

Data must be discoverable.

Data must be durable.

Data must be portable.

Problem #3 - Disparate entities using different applications must be able to safely and effectively interoperate within their scope of authorization

Problem #4 - People shouldn’t need to think about how to physically organize their data to use Solid.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


After eating a rich and filling tapioca, I sat satisfied, staring into space. The woman who cooked it saw me and asked if it ‘deu uma moleza?’.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Let’s talk about changing times and minds….

[If you believe in changing the world for the better, you also believe that individuals can change; there’s no other way.]

[When sharing the ‘same bus’ with people who think differently, some might be on for a few kilometers, some for a few thousand.]

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Spreadable Garlic Confit

[Cover unpeeled cloves of garlic in a bowl with boiling water for five minutes; then peel the skins easily. Place in a pan and submerge in oil, add aromatics (like thyme, basil) if desired, and slow roast at 120°C for two hours. Store in a jar with the oil and use three times the batch in any recipe calling for oil or garlic.]

How to upcycle turkey bones!

[Boil thanksgiving turkey remains for fifteen minutes to remove all the meat more easily; save the broth for soup. Bake the bones for fifteen minutes at 400°F to soften them, then grind into a powder. Mix a teaspoon of the powder with water to fertilize your plants.]

Friday, November 24, 2023

My name changed from Yasin to Jack. A/B test it.

[I got 0 interviews with my real name Yasin, but by using the name Jack, 40% gave me interviews and over 70% gave me offers. I took one of those offers and was Jack for over a year!]

Thursday, November 23, 2023

A Verdadeira Seqüência Mestre Bimba

  1. meia lua, guarda-baixa, meia lua:, guarda baixa, :armada, negativa, awo
  2. queixada, guarda-baixa, queixada, guarda-baixa; armada, guarda-baixa; benção, negativa, awo:, cabeçada, :rolê
  3. martelo, palma, martelo, palma; armada, guarda-baixa; benção, negativa, awo:, cabeçada, :rolê
  4. godeme, palma braço, godeme, palma braço; galopante, arrastão (sair awo?), negativa, awo:, cabeçada, :rolê
  5. giro, guarda-média:; :cabeçada, joelhada (sair grab), negativa, awo:, cabeçada, :rolê
  6. compasso, guarda-baixa; compasso, guarda-baixa; joelhada lateral, negativa, awo:, cabeçada, :rolê
  7. armada, guarda-baixa; armada, guarda-baixa; benção, negativa, awo:, cabeçada, :rolê
  8. benção, negativa, awo:, cabeçada, :rolê

The Roads to Ruining Thanksgiving….

[Eat an elephant one bite at a time, starting with the youngest.]

Plausible: GDPR, CCPA and cookie law compliant site analytics

Old salts are deleted every 24 hours to avoid the possibility of linking visitor information from one day to the next. Forgetting used salts also removes the possibility of the original IP addresses being revealed in a brute-force attack.

How to make banana water!

[Chop banana peels and let sit in water for an hour or longer, then strain into a bottle. Use as fertilizer for plants.]

Is this something we have to agree on?

[Avoid getting into a heated argument by 1) asking if this is something we need to agree on, as often it’s not the case; 2) pulling the brake of “well, maybe so” to acknowledge it’s possible they’re right, sometimes all they wanted to hear; 3) lowering your voice and slowing down your words if they do the opposite.]

push the eject button

[Politely end a conversation by: 1) acknowledging you need to interrupt; 2) moving to another room (like the bathroom); and 3) cuing an end with “thanks for sharing”.]

A lot of us eat oranges and throw out the peels..

[Pack a jar with orange peels, fill with vinegar, and let sit in a cool dark place. After two weeks, strain into a spray bottle. The D-limonene combined with vinegar is a naturally powerful household cleaner.]

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

How to start a movement | Derek Sivers

[The first follower transforms someone else from lone nut to leader, thereby giving legitimacy to the movement. Have courage to be that follower, as it isn’t always easy, but it can help set the wheels of change in motion.]

[Treat the first followers as equals so that the movement takes precedence over the leader.]

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The more my practice is an own connection with body, the less I need to take classes or achieve a standard. In this sense I may never need to take another movement class. My progress can be personal and infinite, adapted to my context.

Embark - Dynamic documents for making plans

Travel-certified trip planning demo combining end-user programming and customization, spreadsheet-like formulas, text as super app.

ChatGPT as muse, not oracle

In rubber duck debugging, talking to a silent rubber duck helps a person figure out the problem by forcing them to put it into words. The Oblique Strategies card deck promotes creative ideas based on general loose strategies. ELIZA can ask super basic questions and cause people to feel a therapeutic relationship. In all these cases, a person gets a boost in the creative process from interacting with a tool that’s clearly far from intelligent. It seems like large language models could do at least as well as these tools, and have a much higher ceiling.