
Speed Reading by Kam Knight on Blinkist.

[Note down every recent read and your reason for each; having clear purpose optimizes your perception and naturally goal-seeking tendencies for what’s relevant.]

[Perceive the outline or structure beforehand to give yourself a mental model to fill in as you read.]

[Shift your gaze to the spaces between words or slightly off center to use your peripheral vision.]

[Inhibit subvocalization by closing your mouth firmly, humming, or listening to instrumental music.]

[Having an idea of the author’s main message before reading helps move beyond a set of random words and into reinforcement of a larger concept. Reflect after each chapter on how the details support the main point. Mark new words and research them after each chapter to put them in better context.]

[Reduce eye strain with exercises such as: looking from side to side without moving your head, rolling them in a circle, or making figure eights.]

in Toronto / Canada article