
A map for indie living

[Phase 1: shake the tree, ask everyone; prioritize money and invoices; support yourself mentally as it might not ‘appear’ succesful to others or even to you; keep operations simple to start quickly.]

[Phase 2: the real transition starts here; notice what gets the strongest reaction from clients; shape the work closer to your deeper interests and passions; share with others; increase visibility, maybe by writing blogs; find peers or start your own community; don’t partner or build an agency; don’t lock into a niche.]

[Phase 3: raise rates; find more senior and expensive work; zoom in where the market wants what you enjoy delivering; publish consistently; formalize business apparatus and legal entities; don’t hire, outsource, or operationalize; avoid getting complacent now that the money’s good; don’t burn out; stay visible; don’t lock into a niche.]

[Phase 4: say no to the work from previous phases unless money’s tight; find support from other senior indies to charge 10x your phase 1; keep learning and publishing; avoid offering ‘packages’ that trap you in phase 3 work.]

[Phase 5: are you presenting yourself to C-suite stakeholders?; can you take equity in your clients?; what do you want to spend your freedom on? and what is needed to sustain that for 15–20 years?; embed your real self in any book or conference you feel tempted to create; can you say no to phase 4 work?; what does phase 5 work look like?]

in Toronto / Canada article