
Callings & Roles for Collective Liberation | Slow Factory 🌍

Abolitionist, favors the end of forced labor and carceral punishment

Advocate, holds a cause or series of causes to heart and carries them to justice

Analyst, applies critical and systemic thinking, maps methods to understand issues

Architect, plans, and designs new structures for collective liberation

Artist, inspires people to be in touch with their humanity

Communicator, tells stories and touch the soul of millions of people

Designer, works in service to create for collective liberation

Developer, contracts and supervizes the building of new structures

Engineer, invents designs, analyzes, builds and tests complex systems & machines

Healer, heals intergenerational wounds and provides a path forward

Inventor, invents a particular process, system, culture or device that are good for people & planet

Luminary, inspires people to rise beyond their expectations

Negotiator, comes to an agreement with someone else in favor of the collective

Problem Solver, engineers tangible solutions to real life problems

Researcher, carries out academic, scientific, or investigative research

Scientist, has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences

Strategist, skilled in planning action or policy especially in climate crisis, war or politics

Trouble Maker, isn’t afraid to ruffle some feathers

Visionary, receives downloads from the Universe to guide people

Writer, writes books, stories, poetry, films, TV shows, articles, Op-Eds for new paradigms

in Belo Horizonte / Brazil, tags: contribute article