
160 entries under "thought"

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Interoperability is people connecting, communicating, collaborating.

‘Capoeira should be fun’ can extend to the game itself; the movement you admire is never in frenzy; always calma, giving time and space, not allowing someone else to make you hyperventilate; how can it feel more like effortless language exchange?

We can even extend this farther: how can everything be fun? more like that? fluid conversation with yourself and the stars.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The more my practice is an own connection with body, the less I need to take classes or achieve a standard. In this sense I may never need to take another movement class. My progress can be personal and infinite, adapted to my context.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The more I pay attention to observations or notice where my attention is, the less effort it takes to have something to say.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

when is it valuable to post about something online if you’re not the primary source?

Monday, October 30, 2023

no matter how platforms may persuade us otherwise, there is no ‘undo send’ or ‘delete message’ in human communication, we can only add context to what has been expressed

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

not a tree shaker but a forest shaker

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

How can I include a piece of those I’ve met so that they see themselves in me?

If I can sleep comfortably on a yoga mat, I have significantly expanded the ‘surface area’ of what’s possible.

No side wins when humans suffer; more to ‘win’ by finding out why are there are sides in the first place.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

To put lots of effort into ’looking’ unique versus a deep acceptance that everyone is already differentiated.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

What are the messages that only I could write? What are the experiences and stories that only I could share? What can be seen only from where I’m standing?

Thursday, September 28, 2023

teach me a song

teach me a move

teach me a word

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

My way of playing includes how I deal with the unexpected: musically, and physiologically.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Injuries we experience are a reminder of what strangers may be carrying when they avoid things, and how we can be more mindful or compassionate when confronted with people who seem like or say that “they can’t”.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

In the same way that Instagram forces posting regularly in order to exist, perhaps all reverse-chronological timelines force ephemeral content. You can reference or quote to old tweets if you’re lucky, but still feels like ‘posting once makes it disappear’ unless you repeat the same isolated fragment frequently. How can one get a sense for how another thinks if they only read one tweet at a time and those tweets are spread out over a year? Perhaps ‘update platforms’ are not designed to understand larger thoughts? Blog posts can also be reverse-chronological but each can include dense context and past references so that you can collapse time in order to understand larger thoughts. So perhaps ‘update platforms’ are best suited to your ‘current status’ and those might as well disappear after 24 hours like ’ephemeral stories’; if you want to get around ephemeral content, use a blog.

To rather be helpful than right.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

If too focused on technique while playing piano, we miss enjoyment and the point of sharing stories. Is there a similar consequence if too focused on “breathing correctly” as opposed to enjoying and feeling each breath?

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Old English had “he walks not there today”, similar to other languages with negation after the verb. We change/contract that to “he doesn’t walk there today”. Perhaps a useful explaining device.

It can be a security tactic (around people who choose to deploy anger) that they become hard to estimate under unknown conditions. When anything can turn into an explosion, the environment becomes one of constant fear.