“don’t want to do tech but doing it anyway”
“don’t want to do tech but doing it anyway”
following the signs toward an imminent hopeful cybernetic future.
agency over platform
in it, but not of it
If it’s obvious to you, it’s for someone else.
Asymmetry might be a synonym for power.
Listing your options sensitizes you to notice them.
I enjoy being around people with big hearts.
More useful than agreeing is to hear why we come to our conclusions.
Reducing psychological burden via ‘“they shouldn’t need to consider that” versus ‘bringing them along your process’.
Changing state policy is like repurposing parts of a warship to build a sewing machine.
Inflation means: after working to earn money, you need to work again so that “your money works for you”.
It’s all about appearing nice so they never have to be kind.
Make time for flowers.
Spreadsheets are like functions with built-in visualization of meaningful inputs and outputs.
What incentivizes a business to treat existing customers better than new ones?
Profound difference in approach between recreating something familiar and the curiosity of relating to where you currently are.
Who does it serve when an economy costs you more and more over time?
Money is not timeless.
A great way to solve problems to not have them.