
125 entries under "talk"

Thursday, February 3, 2022

The roads to funding your community network projects….

[Make goals that are quantifiable, and achievable: big enough to matter and small enough to win. You want to overshoot your goal every single time. Set it up so that you win every single time.]

[In pre-advertising: announce what you’re going to do and how people can get involved.]

[Naming your benefactors might create a burden of association when you are perceived as divisive. Maybe don’t tell them or mention them until its done.]

[Remind people of the cause but don’t focus on the negative aspect so that people walk away feeling positive. If they feel bad, they won’t return.]

[Don’t guess what they need: ask them.]

[Delivering on the goal means not failing: if you’re short, cover out of pocket.]

[Document the delivery so that the people involved can see it after and feel good about making it happen.]

Making people feel they’re participation made the difference isn’t just for humility, it’s to help them feel their impact.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Let’s talk about baseless claims about a guy named Ray….

[If someone encourages a crime but doesn’t engage and that warrants arrest, then it would be ground to charge the politicians who did the same.]

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Problem With NFTs

[The popular usage of NFTs is a mechanism to convince people to buy more crypto, thus providing liquidity for early entrants.]

[The average user on spam NFT Discords is middle-class with disposable income and uncertain about their financial future.]

[Flexing by way of buying a Times Square ad is to signal credibility to validate buyers sense of having made the right decision.]

[Sell the token first and leave ’token holders’ to decide what happens with the capital, if they overcome collective inertia—there is no product.]

[Putting all the data in one place, even if it’s in a space you ‘control’, is centralizing (specifically as a point of failure.]

[Broadcasting your unique identifier across the internet feeds into a surveillance ecosystem.]

[When the technical cost of making a modern website became to high for most amateurs, they moved from templates to services and then platforms.]

[DAOs settle for only expressing procedural group operations through code because it’s too complicated to design and account for all contingencies and their contingencies.]

[Crypto evangelist want to relegate all consequences to machines via blockchains and DAOs to abdicate humans of any responsibility for bad outcomes.]

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Why Do We Scroll?

[Picking my phone, looking at the lock screen, and putting it down again is enough for me to take a break.]

[Apps that check in by asking ‘are you still watching?’]

[Technology provides a sense of bubble-ness, a place to go. Like a parent that’s always there for you.]

[Acknowledge the different parts of you that might be in conflict with each other.]

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Everyone Can Build a Twitter Audience

[Describe interesting things you’ve done in your life to build credibility: share what you learned or what someone like you would want to know.]

[You can document things that have already happened. Some of it might resonate with others.]

[An indicator of credibility is that people will want to ask you questions to learn more about your experience.]

[It wasn’t the book, but documenting how I published it that gave me credibility in self-publishing.]

[Success is not followers but people wanting to hear what you have to say.]

[They either need to be getting something from you or getting to know you as a person.]

[Giving means they stop on your tweet and don’t regret it. Asking means anything that benefits you directly, like clicking links.]

[Use your pinned tweet to gain credibility.]

[Inspiration can be something interesting that happened today, things that took a lot of effort to figure out, answers you gave in your conversations that could be relevant to your audience.]

[Find the intersection of interesting to you, interesting to your audience, and having credibility to say it.]

[Don’t tag people hoping they’ll notice you.]

[Build your credibility, promote it everywhere, and look for opportunities to build more credibility.]

[Give and ask with a seven to one ratio.]