
131 entries under "talk"

Monday, November 13, 2023

Super cool ways to use onion peels!

[Many uses for onion peels. Soak in boiling water for fifteen minutes for a sedative tea that can help you sleep. Let sit overnight until the water turns amber and conserve in a spray bottle for relieving itchy skin. Dry and grind to a powder to use in your cooking.]

Friday, November 10, 2023

How to take a lime seed and turn it into a tree!

[Soak the seed in water for six hours. Cut off the tip, peel the outer layer, and plant in half inch deep of loosely covering soil. Mist and cover with a shot glass to increase humidity until sprouting. When six inches tall with some leaves, transplant to a bigger pot

How to Upcycle those fallen leaves!

[Instead of throwing out leaves from a garden, wash and dry them, then break them down, and finally grind into a powder. The micro-nutrients enrich and fluff the soil for grass and plants to grow better.]

Thursday, November 9, 2023

How to prevent getting sick as often..

[Mix one teaspoon turmeric, half teaspoon ginger, one teaspoon vanilla essence, and half cup of honey into a syrup and stir in a pinch of pepper. Take one teaspoon daily as a natural antibiotic to help with cough, headache, cold, and flu.]

Let’s talk about what peace will look like and news for the next generation….

[When the slogans that people shout are more important than the lives of a future generation, it guarantees the continuation of horror.]

[Peace in this conflict will mean heartbreak, rather than celebration, as authorities tell the families of victims that their cases will no longer be investigated.]

Birds Aren’t Real? How a Conspiracy Takes Flight

[The crisis of belief can only be addressed after the crisis of belonging.]

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Conflict is potential

[Reacting reduces potential in a conflict.]

[Presenting multiple perspectives of an argument says nothing nor does it engage with reason.]

[The underlying motive of proving one’s experience as correct is to resist relationship with the other side.]

[Stereotypes and dogma confuse us into thinking there needs to be a winning side.]

[Focus on feelings, sensations, experiences over judgement.]

Monday, November 6, 2023

The Roads to Reaction and Response

[Doing ‘something’ as a reaction to moral injury isn’t always the right move.]

[Hot takes feed the cycle of reaction.]

[Algorithms ensure everyone has an audience, no matter how small.]

[Your desire to ‘just do something’ will be co-opted by those in power to ends that aren’t in your interest.]

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Daryl Davis on Reforming Over 200 ‘Ku Klux Klan’ Members - by Befriending Them

[Five core universal values underlie human interaction: to be loved, respected, heard, treated fair, and to want the same for one’s family.]

[Treating neo-Nazism as a culture without justifying it enables you to approach the people as with any other culture.]

[Avoid focusing on destruction, hate, or fear as they are symptoms. The root cause of ignorance, cured through education and exposure, will get symptoms under control.]

[How to be offended by insults from someone who doesn’t know you? They have no credibility.]

[Allow people time and space to marinate with ideas, avoid impatience. Even if they don’t like you, they might give you a return visit, and that’s what you want. Don’t destroy your credibility by lying.]

[Find and build upon the commonalities.]

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tumblr CEO Matt Mullenweg on open-sourcing social media

[People say they want to use social media less, but why don’t they say they want to blog, or hear music, or make art less?]

Saturday, September 16, 2023

AI and Desire - The Existential Coach

[We are the parents of AI and might consider what kind of family it is being brought into.]

[Asking for regulation of AI by people who don’t understand it is just PR.]

[Using the doctrine of survival to justify harm to ourselves and others.]

[AI is a mirror showing us how we treat one another.]

Friday, August 18, 2023

Introduction to Arabic, Track 12

Writing words down creates an external loop that becomes part of your process and means you aren’t building affordances to recall without it.

Friday, August 11, 2023

The roads to dating advice for men….

For those who are confused: Flirting is a smile. Flirting is holding a door. Flirting is letting her have the last doughnut in the break room box. Flirting is a corny and clean dad joke. Flirting is telling her that coming to work and seeing her smile makes your day better. Flirting is NOT remarking on her bosom or derrière. Flirting is not telling her to “loosen up”. Flirting is ABSOLUTELY NOT what online “pickup pros” tell you it is. It is NOT insulting her between compliments. It is not a battle, it is not a war you must win against her. Flirting is a request for attention, and if she is receptive, she will give you that attention. But whatever you do, if she is not interested, accept it gracefully, and with charm; and the confidence that she is just not in that place in her life to want a relationship, and she is being kind enough to not lead you on. It takes courage for some women to turn men away, because some men become hostile when rejected. She is behaving courageously, keep that in mind. Her friends are watching, and THEY may be interested in you, as long as you do not become an antagonistic jerk when turned down. That is a huge red flag to women that they cannot trust you not to become potentially violent if they disagree with you. Not boyfriend material, for sure. A calm, confident man will find what he is looking for, and can rest assured that he IS worth having a relationship with, to the receptive girl at the right time in her life. And she is worth your time spent seeking for her.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Episode 81, Metamuse podcast — Muse

[The only distinction Sublime makes between free and paid users is showing the ‘UNLICENSED’ toolbar text, which you may not even notice in daily usage but might make you look no so serious about your tools.] [First priority is text entry, so that people feel they can type as fast as they want. Second priority is extensibility so that community can create optimizations for specific domains.] [Everything inside Obsidian is a plugin. You can even turn off backlinks and the file menu bar to have a barebones editor and customize from there.]

Sunday, July 2, 2023

#043 – Confronting Your Fears and Taking a Leap with Pieter Levels of Nomad List

[Netflix can use their scale to charge $10 per month, but as a small business you need to charge more than that. Corner store doesn’t compete with megacorps, but instead offers something different.] [Aggregate information and research in one place and present it in a useful way, then build a community of people interested in that info to present other products they might like.]

Friday, June 30, 2023

#246 – Doing Content Right with Steph Smith of

[Podcasts like are best friends, newsletters like acquaintances, blogs like random people you meet at conferences. You may never even know pay attention to who’s writing an article.]

[Smaller numbers but quality relationships with everyone learning and growing together]

[Podcasts are top of funnel and a big ask for people to listen for an hour. Strategically talk about the topic in other channels, and plug the podcast when it bites.]

[You wouldn’t hang out with a friend for an hour a week if they had no sense of humour and were purely informational, the experience needs to be fun.]

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

How can you read when you’re still a beginner?

[Whether you need X, Y, Z, A, B, I’ve got something for you.]

[I’ve spent years writing these courses.]

[Whether you’re a beginner, or intermediate and want to improve…]

[It’s all free via email and at different levels.]

[Sign up and I’ll get them to you right away.]

Saturday, May 13, 2023

5 Tips for Making YouTube Thumbnails that Don’t Suck!

[Think about click-worthy instead of clickbait.]

[Find the most exciting bit and turn it into a thumbnail.]

Thursday, May 4, 2023


[If you already have something that performs or converts well, promote it multiple times instead of always pushing new things.]

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

How to Grow a YouTube Channel | 10 Small Youtuber Problems - YouTube

[The strategies established creators use are not the ones that got them where they are. Play to your strengths instead of comparing approaches.]

[If you enjoy making videos and feel like it’s making a difference in your life, it doesn’t matter how many subscribers you have. Worrying about numbers is called “going to work”.]