
131 entries under "talk"

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Fermented Ginger Bug!

[Combine 6tsp chopped ginger, 4 tsp unrefined sugar, and 2 cups filtered room temperature water. Close well, shake, and let sit for a 24 hours. Feed daily with 2 tsp ginger and sugar for 3–5 days until bubbles form.]

Sunday, December 24, 2023

On a whim, but a deeply felt one, I went live to share some impromptu thoughts on Israel, Palestine, condemnation, and context. Thanks for tuning in and considering.

[Might seem futile to add one’s voice to the cacophony of others on social media, especially as it makes little difference to people suffering over there, but my voice is all I have.]

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Why don’t the Democrats adopt the obvious winning strategies?

[Since the Clinton era, US Democrats want to lose because it enables them to continue campaign funding as a lucrative income, as the Republicans started to do decades earlier.]

Jess Martin on

Do you have ten years of experience? or ten of the same year?

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Linking of Opposites

[It’s fine to stop a video to talk about one frame, but we cannot separate it from the moving picture of life: we’re always in motion.]

Saturday, December 2, 2023

flip the power dynamic with the high ground.

[When someone talks down to you, 1) flip it around with ’this way of speaking is beneath me’; 2) assert authority by ‘allowing’ or ‘giving them another chance’ to try that again’; and 3) express that you are ‘willing to continue the conversation if they speak respectfully’.]

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

venting has a purpose.

[Let hotheads vent without interruption to ‘deflate the balloon’. Ask them to repeat with ‘can you please tell me that again?’ so that they can speak more calmly (they’ve already vented). Ask questions of fact like who, what, where, when to engage with their analytical side.]

Monday, November 27, 2023

Let’s talk about changing times and minds….

[If you believe in changing the world for the better, you also believe that individuals can change; there’s no other way.]

[When sharing the ‘same bus’ with people who think differently, some might be on for a few kilometers, some for a few thousand.]

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Spreadable Garlic Confit

[Cover unpeeled cloves of garlic in a bowl with boiling water for five minutes; then peel the skins easily. Place in a pan and submerge in oil, add aromatics (like thyme, basil) if desired, and slow roast at 120°C for two hours. Store in a jar with the oil and use three times the batch in any recipe calling for oil or garlic.]

How to upcycle turkey bones!

[Boil thanksgiving turkey remains for fifteen minutes to remove all the meat more easily; save the broth for soup. Bake the bones for fifteen minutes at 400°F to soften them, then grind into a powder. Mix a teaspoon of the powder with water to fertilize your plants.]

Thursday, November 23, 2023

The Roads to Ruining Thanksgiving….

[Eat an elephant one bite at a time, starting with the youngest.]

How to make banana water!

[Chop banana peels and let sit in water for an hour or longer, then strain into a bottle. Use as fertilizer for plants.]

Is this something we have to agree on?

[Avoid getting into a heated argument by 1) asking if this is something we need to agree on, as often it’s not the case; 2) pulling the brake of “well, maybe so” to acknowledge it’s possible they’re right, sometimes all they wanted to hear; 3) lowering your voice and slowing down your words if they do the opposite.]

push the eject button

[Politely end a conversation by: 1) acknowledging you need to interrupt; 2) moving to another room (like the bathroom); and 3) cuing an end with “thanks for sharing”.]

A lot of us eat oranges and throw out the peels..

[Pack a jar with orange peels, fill with vinegar, and let sit in a cool dark place. After two weeks, strain into a spray bottle. The D-limonene combined with vinegar is a naturally powerful household cleaner.]

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

How to start a movement | Derek Sivers

[The first follower transforms someone else from lone nut to leader, thereby giving legitimacy to the movement. Have courage to be that follower, as it isn’t always easy, but it can help set the wheels of change in motion.]

[Treat the first followers as equals so that the movement takes precedence over the leader.]

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

for the unwanted table talk

[Pass over unwanted conversation by saying 1) “that subject isn’t for me”, as with food you don’t eat; 2) “good to know” and “that’s interesting”, to acknowledge without agreeing; and 3) “I typically avoid this discussion”, to communicate it’s not singling them out. Nobody can force you to talk about anything you don’t want to talk about.]

Monday, November 20, 2023

So many of us throw these things out..

[Instead of wasting the ends of these veggies, grow something from them.]

[Lettuce and celery bottoms can be cut around two inches and half submerged with sticks in a cup of water (ideally filtered).]

[Take one stick of basil, remove the bottom leaves, cut the bottom of the stem at a forty-five degree angle, and place the top part in a shot glass for three days. When it grows roots, plant it in soil.]

[Green onions or scallions can be planted directly in soil to regrow in about six days.]

[Carrot tops can be cut to about an inch and planted directly in soil.]

Friday, November 17, 2023

don’t feed the complaint, funnel it out.

[Complaints generally mask a larger underlying issue. Help them to get it all out by saying ’tell me more’ and repeating until they’re empty. Then guide them towards a solution with phrases like “How do you resolve this?”, “What’s the answer?”, “How do you usually handle this?”, “How have you addressed this in the past?”]

Monday, November 13, 2023

Garlic + Honey = Magic for your health!

[Peel the cloves in a head of garlic filling about a third of a jar. Fill about three quarters with honey and seal standing upside down at room temperature. After about five dais it will start to bubble. Open every three days to ‘burp’ or release gas. After thirty days it should darken and reduce into a remedy you can take (one spoon a day) to fight cold and flu.]