
131 entries under "talk"

Sunday, February 4, 2024

17 Foreign Words English Desperately Needs

[Abbiocco: Italian for ‘food coma’.]

[Schnapsidee: German for stupid ideas, like arranging furniture late at night while drunk.]

[Ubuntu: Zulu for “I am because we are.”]

[Sommer: Afrikaans for “just because”.]

[Tartle: Scottish for not remembering the name of someone you just met.]

[Mamilhapinatapai: Yámana for everyone wanting the same but noone acting on it.]

[Treppenwitz (staircase wit): German for thinking of a comeback too late.]

Jacob Collier Answers Instrument & Music Theory Questions From Twitter

I aspire to talk this deeply, fast, and fun.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

1.8 Million Subscribers (and no one cares)

[Musicians can play until they’re 98 years old and beyond, but nobody wants a YouTuber doing that.]

[Not making an industry money puts you in a somewhat adversarial relationship.]

[The YouTuber career inevitably ends in burnout.]

[YouTubers have no elders, only peers, and this is isolating. Musicians have those who have been doing it longer than them, and a community in the real world to engage with.]

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

how to respond to passive aggression

[Respond to passive aggressiveness by: 1. clarifying if that was ‘meant to be helpful or hurtful’?; 2. stating when you observe negative tone even when they claim to mean it positively; and 3. acknowledging that it’s okay to not be okay and communicate that it’s a safe space.]

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Let’s talk about changing American foreign policy….

[Build power for yourself and your community instead of borrowing it from elected officials.]

[If you want to make a difference in areas where the USA invades, you’re better off buying solar panels or an electric car because it helps shift the dynamics to not require the resources for that intervention.]

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Growing your own food is the highest form of meditation.

[Soak cardboard in water for fifteen minutes, wrap around a glass jar, and remove just before dry. Use as a plant pot and place in soil to prevent root interference.]

Thursday, January 25, 2024

How to save money and making a homemade cleaning spray out of lime peels!

[Chop finished lime peels and put into a spray bottle, add 1/2 cup cup white vinegar, 1 tsp salt, a bit of dish soap, and fill the rest with water. Shake and spray for a nice household cleaner.]

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Let’s talk about Biden, banking, and overdrafts….

[USA banks make over eight billion dollars a year from overdraft fees (by charging people who don’t have money).]

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Melted Onions!

[Halve onions into a muffin pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper; bake for 25 minutes at 425°F then baste with butter; bake 40 minutes more and baste again before finishing.]

Friday, January 19, 2024

More clean hacks because so many of you asked for it!

[Refresh towels in the washing machine on a full cycle with half cup of baking soda instead of detergent and half cup of vinegar instead of softener.]

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

handling insults

[Handle insults by: 1) Adding silence or continuing as if it doesn’t affect you; 2) if a stranger, asking for their name, then asking to repeat what they said; 3) if someone you know, saying maybe they’re right and checking in if they’re feeling okay.]

Friday, January 12, 2024

YouTube Commentator Beau of the Fifth Column on Fact, Opinion, and the Democracy In Between

[Democracy needs people to slow down the overly progressive and drag along the overly status quo: high polarization where people can’t talk to one another limits the discussion that fuels a functioning ecosystem.]

stop chasing the laser

[No matter how many times they try to distract, instead of disagreeing you can simply repeat “I understand that you disagree with me” or “I accept that you disagree with me”.]

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

what triggers you, teaches you.

[Get comfortable asking “what does that say about me?” to learn about why you have buttons people can push in the first place.]

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Great hacks to know to start to New Year Clean!

[Put half a lemon in a Ziploc plastic bag and fill with vinegar, then tie to let your shower head soak inside for about an hour to descale and remove dirt inside.]

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Let’s talk about a New Year’s resolution, a message, and change….

I have known you before. The only ones I still know are the ones that left and never looked back.

Some reflections on last night’s hawtt Jew-on-Jew action with @thedandelionking

[‘Might makes right’ disqualifies someone from leftism.]

Let’s talk about balance and advice for the unvaccinated….

Make a plan for your kids, discuss it with them. Write your will. Sign a power of attorney. Talk about DNR/DNI with your family and decide if it’s right for you. Make one box for originals or copies of the following: life insurance policy; home and car owners insurance; medical and vaccination records; tax records; court orders, such as child support and custody; social security card; marriage license; birth certificate; passports; vehicle titles and registrations; important documents and anything you don’t want to lose; copies of last months bills (make it easy for the person taking care)

Friday, December 29, 2023

@danielbmate x @thedandelionking

[What’s the difference between destroying in the name of your country versus your god?]

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Gut-Friendly Fruit Sodas

[Add some ginger bug starter to pressed juice; anything with natural sugars will do, and you can add maple syrup if none. close, and let sit for 3 days or until bubbles form. Burp them daily to avoid that they explode.]