
125 entries under "talk"

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Economics of Programming Languages

[People expect the same project execution from a single-person as with a company without the ’traffic and acquisition’ money that often finances such development.]

[Businesses who commercialize other open source projects save the cost of developing them, whereas authors who try to commercialize their own projects will be out competed by any entity with more resources.]

“The Open Source Way” is for businesses.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Let’s talk about books to read….

[Types of books you might want to read: 1. a religious text (other than your own if you have one); 2. the perspective of any subculture; 3. making the monster human; 4. a political ideology; 5. your childhood hero or strongest memory memory; 6. the hero of your enemy; 7. favourable about someone you don’t like; 8. critical of war; 9. critical of your heroes; 10. about ancient or indigenous peoples (if they were oral, imagine what might have gotten lost by writing); 11. a distopia; 12. about a character you can’t relate to at all.]

Literature exposes you to things you wouldn’t experience in real life.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Yancey Strickler on Metalabel and Post-Individualism

[Revolutions inspired by Catholic church forbidding intra-family marriage gave rise to cities, universities, guilds as ways for people related by blood to meet eachother.]

Thursday, March 28, 2024

how to disagree better

[Disagree without getting them defensive with phrases like “I see it differently”, “I have a different way of getting there”, and “I lean towards the opposite”.]

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Fascism, Beauty and Truth

[Having to argue for equality reveals that the situation is already failed.]

[If that’s the best you’ve got, I can see why you’re so eager to use it.]

[There’s a difference between agreeing and choosing agreement as your ‘move’ in a specific context.]

Super glue with baking soda

[Combine baking soda with glue to strengthen the bonding.]

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Let’s talk about what a concept of Japanese art can teach us about masculinity….

[Masculinity embodies effortless perfection, and a giveaway that someone’s pretending is to see them trying.]

Let’s talk about 1916, 1984, thought, and rebellion….

[Anything that can be taught by a meme can be countered by one.]

Let’s talk about what happens “if you don’t get an education”….

[Don’t confuse credentials with education.]

[‘Representatives’ should also have something in common with you.]

Monday, March 25, 2024

How Jacob Collier Reinvented The Guitar

[Being uncertain and curious is a more interesting place for me than knowing what I’m doing.]

[More important than recognizing the name or function of the notes played, I have an awareness of their emotional properties and how they will pull the listener into specific spaces.]

[It’s popular and valid to recreate and enjoy something you heard before; try to be clear when you want that versus something new.]

[Rather than have a disciplined practice regime, I find myself in specific and tsrgeted moments of deep exploration.]

[One of the best gifts you can give to an audience is to fumble, because it’s an invitation for them to join you at the edge of your own exploration where mist of the interesting stuff is. Music isn’t really that serious.]

A master with the humility to learn on camera.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

How to take smart notes

[Easier to write a few notes per day than one manuscript page per day.]

[Ideas don’t mingle in an archive: let them play together.]

[The skill of independent research is determining what is the most important task at any moment; following a plan prevents you from learning this.]

Archiving ideas, even if you write them in your own words, doesn’t prompt making connections.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

So many of us throw out orange peels..

[Turn orange peels into an insect repellent for your body or plants by boiling and cooling, then strain the liquid into a spray bottle.]

[Or peel the orange part of the peel, rinse with cold water, blend, then mix with a teaspoon of baking soda and water into a paste for a natural teeth whitener you can brush with weekly.]

[Chop them up and use as fertilizer.]

Friday, March 22, 2024

How to get rid of a pimple fast!

[Make an overnight pimple treatment by combining one teaspoon of baking soda and honey with two of apple cider vinegar, then mix into a paste.]

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Spinach powder!

[Turn a bag of baby spinach into powder by dehydrating at 125°F until crispy and dry before grinding.]

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Let’s talk about toxic masculinity and men’s movements….

[Glorification of violence convinces stupid people to fight in wars of a state.]

Identity | Language | Knowledge

[When we’re starved for deeply meaningful experiences, it becomes easy to counterfeit consciousness and sell us a shell of it.]

[Most of what exists is likely unknowable.]

[Religion and science collapse the super-container into incomplete representations.]

[The world is fundamentally one being first, unless we separate it into distinctions. Therefore if we destroy it we’re destroying ourselves.]

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Hank Green Unpacks YouTube’s Biggest Problems

[There was a period when books were considered dangerous because we didn’t have the social structures to deal with everyone having access. We’re currently in the messy equivalent with video.]

Let’s expand the discourse about Empire

[America is a business.]

Genius way to clean carpets / couches!

[Make a natural carpet cleaner with baking soda, dish soap, 2 cups of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of salt, and some fresh lemon juice; mix until foamy. Dip in and squeeze a towel, then wrap a saucepan lid to use as leverage before scrubbing.]

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Brad Mehldau: The Greatest Jazz Pianist of Our Generation

[Written chord changes are an expedient way to quickly coordinate playing together, but they lack precision to specify things like voice-leading even from more popular songs like Blackbird.]

[I like to add a note to so-called ‘stock voicings’ for crunch.]

[The intellectual aspect of improvising happens as you make sense of music. WhT happens in real-time while playing is an natural reflexive response based on everything you’ve learned.]

[Can you tell the same story with just two notes?]

fluid switches between discussion and piano playing