
36 entries under "project"

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Cheap Web

The “cheap” web is a solarpunk philosophy of web design.

cheap ≠ free

cheap ≠ sleek

cheap ≠ creep

cheap ≠ deep

cheap ≠ dark

cheap = cheap

[cheap to maintain: should work indefinitely without falling over].

[cheap to access: should be compatible with screen readers and various devices.]

[cheap to explore: should be pleasant on low power devices.]

[cheap to contribute: creating and hosting websites should be easier than scrapbooking.]

Life in Weeks

Visualize a life compressed into blocks of one week and grouped be decade. The simple data file is written in YAML. This could be useful to help write one’s autobiography.


Most items appear in the timeline at the time they were created.

If an item attribute can be updated, such as by completing a to-do, a small update line appears at that time in the timeline.

If an item is scheduled for a future date or time, it appears there instead, and a simple update line appears at the time it was created and / or scheduled.

I see updates appear in my timeline when she schedules something. This is a very helpful transaction or record; I now know she set up an appointment for something I’m going to with her, or that she set up a meeting in the future, without any kind of extra “notification” feature, and without having to check future dates regularly for updates.

The more you hit “review later”, the longer it takes for the item to return, allowing items you’re less interested in to “float away” from you without requiring more destructive or detailed actions.

you can’t edit an existing note. Instead, you build on past notes using replies: you can reply to any past note with a new one that goes into your timeline now, forming a thread.

Much easier to compile buckets for ideas when you don’t need to label them—this is why people can write so much on micro-blogging platforms.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

NIOSH Sound Level Meter

Monitor for the room volume level made by the CDC.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

in search of a new tab

[Each new tab feels like a choice: how do I want to spend my time?]

What a ’new tab page’ this is! I prefer queries (via keystroke launchers like Quicksilver or ‘Command-K’) over big lists, but this is beautifully personal and makes me drool; stable options can leverage muscle memory and reduce distractions. 👍🏽

Provokes me to wonder about social patterns and ‘formats’ like /now or ‘daily note’, ways of organizing that many people can practice and share so that we can all learn from each other.

The Signals: A Guided Primer


  1. Does everyone feel invited to participate?
  2. Does the space guarantee users a safe experience?
  3. Does the space encourage the humanization of others?
  4. Can people express themselves without compromising their identity and data?


  1. Does the space cultivate a sense of belonging?
  2. Does the space encourage fruitful connections between groups that aren’t naturally alike?
  3. Does the space strengthen emotional, structural, and participative ties to geographically local communities?
  4. Does the space make it possible for people to be heard by those in positions of power?


  1. Does the space allow for shared concerns to be raised for broad attention by society at large?
  2. Is the information being elevated and shared reliable, factual, and true?
  3. Does the space build civic competence and encourage democratic participation?
  4. Does the space promote thoughtful conversation and room for respectful disagreements?


  1. Does this space boost a community’s resilience in the face of significant stress or adversity?
  2. Does this space facilitate our ability to participate in each others’ lives and shape society?]

Saturday, December 23, 2023


This document aims to be an open guide to funding of open source projects.

[Grants, Notable Projects, Other Organisations, Crowdfunding]

Awesome OSS Funding

A curated list of awesome resources for funding open source projects and authors.

[Products, Donations, Bounties, Licensing, Articles, Organizations]

A handy guide to financial support for open source

This document aims to provide an exhaustive list of all the ways that people get paid for open source work.

[Donation button; Bounties; Sponsorware; Crowdfunding (one-time); Crowdfunding (recurring); Books and merchandise; Advertising & sponsorships; Get hired by a company to work on project; Start a project while currently employed; Grants; Consulting; Paid support; SaaS; Copyleft + paid license; Open core; Foundations & consortiums; Venture capital; Restricted license]

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Embark - Dynamic documents for making plans

Travel-certified trip planning demo combining end-user programming and customization, spreadsheet-like formulas, text as super app.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Search for human friendly intents and run the resulting commands in the browser.

Monday, September 18, 2023

LocalCan™ - HTTPS domains for localhost and wi-fi network

Develop your apps locally with .local domains and HTTPS using LocalCan™ app for macOS

Nicer than my current setup of editing /etc/hosts, adding loc.whatever, entering my password… But I hesitate to have an experience too difference from another person who would run my apps.

Like the concept of Changelog as with Ghost and others. Not sure yet if this pattern would fit somewhere in my universe.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Open Box Computers & Electronics

Was able to find an iPhone mini here not available anywhere else. ‘New’ here means brand new sealed in box. Claimed over the phone they resell returned items from Costco.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

FAQs – All the Music LLC

[We generated and wrote to disk all mathematically possible melodies, then dedicated them to the public domain.]

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Whitepaper | Circles UBI | Handbook:

[Everyone has their own currency operating by a shared set of rules, culminating to form a kind of monetary fabric.]

[Each personal currency mints new coins for the associated person every minute, and the quantity inflates each year.]

[To mitigate the risk of any account turning into a sybil, trust can be revoked, which allows the revoker to continue spending the revokee’s coins but not receive new coins from them.]

[If Carol and Bob are strangers (not yet established mutual trust) but both extend trust to Alice, they can send each other money by transacting in AliceCoin; through transitive chains of trust Carol and Bob receive BobCoin and CarolCoin, respectively.]

[If a trusted person creates a Fake account, other people cannot receive FakeCoin until they trust it, and that person can only spend it if other people trust it.]

faq – Circles UBI:

[People receive CRC unconditionally and the supply is constantly increasing, which incentivizes spending (flowing) over hoarding.]

[The current dominant monetary system is like agricultural monoculture, which devitalizes the soil and requires pesticides to protect. Circles is more diverse:] if you lose your strawberry fields, you will still have your roses and potatoes and cannabis.

[Being careless with trust in Circles mostly hurts you personally and not the whole system.]

[Trust limits are the percentage of your Circles that you are willing to hold in a given person’s coin (50% by default, but may be lowered or cancelled eventually); they prevent you from losing all your tokens through transitive transactions.]

[You can start your own local Circles community without three trust connections by sending 0.1–0.2 xDAI to your account, but this will only be useful if you invite your network to exchange products and services with you.]

[“Shared wallets” do not issue UBI or receive trust, but they can be opened and shared by anyone in a group or organization. Businesses should not use personal wallets because taxes are complicated.]

[UBI stops if you don’t log into your wallet for 90 days, thus incentivizes meaningful usage. To receive UBI after that you need to create a new wallet and transfer over your old CRC.]

[Circles is not on any crypto exchange as it is meant for spending, not for getting rich. You might convince someone to give you other currencies for your tokens, but the peer-to-peer nature of Circles makes it hard to give liquidity to the whole network.]

[The co-op covers transaction costs on the xDAI chain so that buyers and sellers can use the marketplace for free.]

Friday, January 14, 2022

Interface In Game

collection of video games UI interfaces, screenshots and videos.