
124 entries under "article"

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Using all flavours of Solid

Whereas classically we think of the situation where a user interacts with one identity provider, one storage provider, and multiple applications, recent experiments in practice have moved more towards also using multiple storage providers linked to a single identity.

There is an example app called Projectron which is mentioned throughout the Solid Application Interoperability spec and which can be used to track projects and issues; a first step would be to make this app compatible with the SolidOS Issue tracker, so that issues created through Solid OS will “magically” show up when you open Projectron.

Problems and Goals for Interoperability, Collaboration, and Security in a Solid Pod

Applications must have a shared understanding of data

Data must be discoverable.

Data must be durable.

Data must be portable.

Problem #3 - Disparate entities using different applications must be able to safely and effectively interoperate within their scope of authorization

Problem #4 - People shouldn’t need to think about how to physically organize their data to use Solid.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023


After eating a rich and filling tapioca, I sat satisfied, staring into space. The woman who cooked it saw me and asked if it ‘deu uma moleza?’.

Friday, November 24, 2023

My name changed from Yasin to Jack. A/B test it.

[I got 0 interviews with my real name Yasin, but by using the name Jack, 40% gave me interviews and over 70% gave me offers. I took one of those offers and was Jack for over a year!]

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Principles for sharing on the Internet

[Your opinion has more credibility the better you can argue against your own points.]

[Social media systematically pushes you to ideological extremes.]

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Callings & Roles for Collective Liberation | Slow Factory 🌍

Abolitionist, favors the end of forced labor and carceral punishment

Advocate, holds a cause or series of causes to heart and carries them to justice

Analyst, applies critical and systemic thinking, maps methods to understand issues

Architect, plans, and designs new structures for collective liberation

Artist, inspires people to be in touch with their humanity

Communicator, tells stories and touch the soul of millions of people

Designer, works in service to create for collective liberation

Developer, contracts and supervizes the building of new structures

Engineer, invents designs, analyzes, builds and tests complex systems & machines

Healer, heals intergenerational wounds and provides a path forward

Inventor, invents a particular process, system, culture or device that are good for people & planet

Luminary, inspires people to rise beyond their expectations

Negotiator, comes to an agreement with someone else in favor of the collective

Problem Solver, engineers tangible solutions to real life problems

Researcher, carries out academic, scientific, or investigative research

Scientist, has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences

Strategist, skilled in planning action or policy especially in climate crisis, war or politics

Trouble Maker, isn’t afraid to ruffle some feathers

Visionary, receives downloads from the Universe to guide people

Writer, writes books, stories, poetry, films, TV shows, articles, Op-Eds for new paradigms

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

What Great Listeners Actually Do - A Visual Guide

[A good listener bounces ideas like a trampoline rather than absorbing like a sponge.]

[Good listeners: 1) ask questions that promote discovery and insight; 2) cultivate spaces to promote self-esteem; 3) challenge or disagree cooperatively, without making others defensive; 4) suggest open alternative paths in the conversation.]

[Levels of listening: 1) create a discussion environment safely; 2) remove distractions; 3) understand the substance and clarify or confirm with questions; 4) observe nonverbal cues, which may make up 80% of the conversation; 5) empathize with emotions about the topic; 6) gently encourage and help them to see the issue in another light.]

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Jojoba oil

Hydrate skin without blocks.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Critique, The Internet, and You

[Offer critique only when you understand: 1) is it for you?; 2) under what conditions was it created?; 3) who is your audience? 4) what are your goals?. Important not to misalign by simply sharing whether you ’like’ it, or by complaining that “your seafood is bad because I don’t like seafood”.]

The Art of Documentation

[Note the context for when something is relevant so that it can be easily removed when things change.]

[Use git commit messages to document the reasoning behind certain changes.]

So you have to do a layoff.

[Do it only once, not in multiple rounds. Consider salary reductions instead (also only once), accompanied by lower labor expectations. Be very direct without trying to lighten the mood. Management signed up for this.]

Monday, October 2, 2023

The Oxymoron of “Data-Driven Innovation”

[What we label ‘visionary’ from the past was often an effort to center needs of the marginalized. At that time, as the privileged were unserved in ways similar those at the margins, making an app or internet product was an example of ‘building those with special needs improves it for everyone’. But it isn’t visionary any longer when privileged people do it because they’re already marginalized. The ‘data-driven’ development popular today tends to favour majorities, and thus consistently results in bland, incrementalist ideas not serving the marginalized.]

[‘Do it for yourself’ fell out of fashion because white cis men weren’t getting visionary ideas that way. The potential is still there if the doer is a marginalized voice.]

We gotta get over this idea that we’re being mensches by handing over our stolen power to unworthy or inexperienced charity cases. No. Marginalized people out-qualify mainstream existing leadership on injecting vision because only their perspectives can deliver a visionary product in an industry already optimized for mainstream perspectives.

What do we do with the Twitter-shaped hole in the internet

[Prefering ‘accounts’ to ‘users’ enables people to compensate for shortcomings of the system when organizing their interests.]

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Bio-Emotive Framework: An Escape from the Hell of Unprocessed Emotions

[NEDERA: Notice when emotionally activated; Experince the emotion; Differentiate by finding the words that best describe what you’re feeling; Express by speaking it out loud; Resonate by allowing any body changes as a result; Resolve through crying; Act and update to create any boundaries needed around what provoked you.]

We Don’t Sell Saddles Here

[By focusing promotion less on a specific product and more on compelling future outcomes, you can become a go to point for the larger activity or lifestyle and be perfectly positioned to point towards what your business offers: for example, Lululemon selling yoga, the ACME Saddle company selling horseback riding, designer brands selling desirability, Nike selling success…]

[When offering something people have no references for, or that they don’t know they want, copy needs to be framed not in terms of simply features but outcomes that speak to where the customer is. Doing a better job providing what customers want goes hand-in-hand with communicating that as well as possible. It’s imperative to eliminate every little thing that could get in the way of a fluid experience, because the person using this already has too much to deal with and now they have to learn your random piece of software.]

[No points for features if they don’t squarely address the larger purpose.]

Every bit of grace, refinement, and thoughtfulness on our part will pull people along. Every petty irritation will stop them and give the impression that it is not worth it.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

‘Toragesic’ is a brand of Brazilian back pain medication recommended by my therapist. I took sublingual tablets; was pretty fast and effective; tried to use it while also resting (not stressing or working during recovery) and I usually was normal after a few days. Some information in Portuguese from and less in English from and

Category is ‘anti-inflamatorio analgésico’ (translation I guess is ‘Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug’)

Active ingredient is ’trometamol cetorolaco’ (translation Ketorolac tromethamine)

Saturday, July 22, 2023

The unconference toolbox

Create a way for people to keep up the discussion after. Start a group chat, promote a mailing list, or plan a dinner after the event.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

How Google Reader died — and why the web misses it more than ever - The Verge

One feature took off immediately, for power users and casual readers alike: a simple sharing system that let users subscribe to see someone else’s starred items or share their collection of subscriptions with other people. The Reader team eventually built comments, a Share With Note feature, and more. All this now seems trite and obvious, of course, but at the time, a built-in way to see what your friends liked was novel and powerful. Reader was prescient.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

How Caetano Veloso Revolutionized Brazil’s Sound and Spirit

He is soft-spoken, even shy. As a boy, he once wrote, “I was timid and extravagant.” He can seem suspiciously modest for a world-famous musician. Many of his contemporaries are technically superior, he’ll say. “But there is this more mysterious aspect” to his talent, he told me: “The atmosphere that comes with my voice.” He described it as “my presence, my personality,” which echoed an old song of his, called “Minha Voz, Minha Vida,” or “My Voice, My Life.” His liquid tenor, melodic and trance-like, is one of the most distinctive voices in music. Away from the microphone, he listens intently, and goes into languorous digressions full of references to books and films.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

“Michelin Guide” Marketing

[When Michelin started, the car market was small, so they published guides as a way to encourage more driving. Ogilvy had under twenty clients before writing Confessions of an Advertising Man. Content is king.]