
36 entries tagged "wellness"

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Great hacks to know to start to New Year Clean!

[Put half a lemon in a Ziploc plastic bag and fill with vinegar, then tie to let your shower head soak inside for about an hour to descale and remove dirt inside.]

Monday, January 1, 2024

Be Kind, Everyone is Fighting a Social Atrophy You Know Nothing About

And so we struggle to reach out, and to respond with our fragile hurting brains. We want connection, and we also find the possibility potentially very difficult when we’re not doing so well. After all, if you invite someone over, they will see your messy house, and maybe judge you. And everyone’s “house” is a mess right now in one way or another.

love the hack to reach out right before ‘correspondence bankruptcy’ to reduce pressure on the recipient 👍🏽 i also try to generally cultivate a norm of ’no response necessary’ with anything i send; if it’s urgent i’ll call or say so.

this made me reflect on my frequent desire for solitude, often by saying or feeling that ‘my social cup is full’. i never thought that it might cost me some ‘social muscles’ but i can see that as a possibility if it goes on for too long. nevertheless, i’d like to think that i know when i want to have company and when not, that i have good judgement in balancing this within myself.

in what seems to now be a previous life, where i felt an overwhelming lack of social interaction, friendship, or companionship, i practiced what i called ‘shake the tree’ once or twice a year: dm everyone with warm wishes and my current city. many were happy i sent this, many reacted with a simple emoji, many didn’t respond, but it generally felt worthwhile for me.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Gut-Friendly Fruit Sodas

[Add some ginger bug starter to pressed juice; anything with natural sugars will do, and you can add maple syrup if none. close, and let sit for 3 days or until bubbles form. Burp them daily to avoid that they explode.]

Fermented Ginger Bug!

[Combine 6tsp chopped ginger, 4 tsp unrefined sugar, and 2 cups filtered room temperature water. Close well, shake, and let sit for a 24 hours. Feed daily with 2 tsp ginger and sugar for 3–5 days until bubbles form.]

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Spreadable Garlic Confit

[Cover unpeeled cloves of garlic in a bowl with boiling water for five minutes; then peel the skins easily. Place in a pan and submerge in oil, add aromatics (like thyme, basil) if desired, and slow roast at 120°C for two hours. Store in a jar with the oil and use three times the batch in any recipe calling for oil or garlic.]

How to upcycle turkey bones!

[Boil thanksgiving turkey remains for fifteen minutes to remove all the meat more easily; save the broth for soup. Bake the bones for fifteen minutes at 400°F to soften them, then grind into a powder. Mix a teaspoon of the powder with water to fertilize your plants.]

Thursday, November 23, 2023

How to make banana water!

[Chop banana peels and let sit in water for an hour or longer, then strain into a bottle. Use as fertilizer for plants.]

A lot of us eat oranges and throw out the peels..

[Pack a jar with orange peels, fill with vinegar, and let sit in a cool dark place. After two weeks, strain into a spray bottle. The D-limonene combined with vinegar is a naturally powerful household cleaner.]

Monday, November 20, 2023

So many of us throw these things out..

[Instead of wasting the ends of these veggies, grow something from them.]

[Lettuce and celery bottoms can be cut around two inches and half submerged with sticks in a cup of water (ideally filtered).]

[Take one stick of basil, remove the bottom leaves, cut the bottom of the stem at a forty-five degree angle, and place the top part in a shot glass for three days. When it grows roots, plant it in soil.]

[Green onions or scallions can be planted directly in soil to regrow in about six days.]

[Carrot tops can be cut to about an inch and planted directly in soil.]

Monday, November 13, 2023

Garlic + Honey = Magic for your health!

[Peel the cloves in a head of garlic filling about a third of a jar. Fill about three quarters with honey and seal standing upside down at room temperature. After about five dais it will start to bubble. Open every three days to ‘burp’ or release gas. After thirty days it should darken and reduce into a remedy you can take (one spoon a day) to fight cold and flu.]

Super cool ways to use onion peels!

[Many uses for onion peels. Soak in boiling water for fifteen minutes for a sedative tea that can help you sleep. Let sit overnight until the water turns amber and conserve in a spray bottle for relieving itchy skin. Dry and grind to a powder to use in your cooking.]

Friday, November 10, 2023

How to take a lime seed and turn it into a tree!

[Soak the seed in water for six hours. Cut off the tip, peel the outer layer, and plant in half inch deep of loosely covering soil. Mist and cover with a shot glass to increase humidity until sprouting. When six inches tall with some leaves, transplant to a bigger pot

How to Upcycle those fallen leaves!

[Instead of throwing out leaves from a garden, wash and dry them, then break them down, and finally grind into a powder. The micro-nutrients enrich and fluff the soil for grass and plants to grow better.]

Thursday, November 9, 2023

How to prevent getting sick as often..

[Mix one teaspoon turmeric, half teaspoon ginger, one teaspoon vanilla essence, and half cup of honey into a syrup and stir in a pinch of pepper. Take one teaspoon daily as a natural antibiotic to help with cough, headache, cold, and flu.]

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Jojoba oil

Hydrate skin without blocks.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

‘Toragesic’ is a brand of Brazilian back pain medication recommended by my therapist. I took sublingual tablets; was pretty fast and effective; tried to use it while also resting (not stressing or working during recovery) and I usually was normal after a few days. Some information in Portuguese from and less in English from and

Category is ‘anti-inflamatorio analgésico’ (translation I guess is ‘Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug’)

Active ingredient is ’trometamol cetorolaco’ (translation Ketorolac tromethamine)