[Getting near is important for seeing clear. If we avoid those who think differently, our understanding risks to be superficial.]
[Getting near is important for seeing clear. If we avoid those who think differently, our understanding risks to be superficial.]
Can you use a hammer without injuring yourself? Give Habitat for Humanity a call. Are you a budgeting ninja? Call Boys and Girls Club and offer to teach young men and women to budget. Do your friends tell you that you talk too much? Go to a retirement home and talk with people who have long been forgotten.
[God Speed is three miles per hour. Jesus didn’t take a chariot to get there faster.]
[Can worrying add even a single hour to your life?]
[Bring some cookies to your neighbour for no reason other than they might need to smile today.]
[I didn’t give her a tip or make her famous, just told her I loved her voice.]
[The point of leaving the flock to go after the lost sheep isn’t to bring them back, but to let them know they’re loved.]