
363 entries for Toronto

Sunday, December 31, 2023

What is your relationship to the unknown? What is it like to have sensitivity to nature and spirits?

[Reason habituates us to asking black-and-white questions like “what is real?” and “what actually happened?” when actually there’s no need to go there, to the point that some people feel a sense of duty to correct others who believe in something considered unacceptable.]

[Ghosts are more heart-realm metaphors than head-realm beings.]

To ask a good question, walk right up to the perimeter of your current understanding about something and find a question that you don’t know the answer to.

[Instead of “are ghosts real?” ask “what experiences led you to your beliefs?”.]

It’s amazing to have a chance to peek into someone’s belief systems and memories, a treasure trove wasted by a bad question.

[People don’t need to answer, or do so truthfully.]

[Open and honest dialogue requires the information shared to not be weaponized.]

[The fruits of disagreement include: 1. security (negotiating for foundation); 2. growth (taking risks to discover new possibilities and potential security); 3. connection (being able to relate to people with diverse perspectives); and 4. enjoyment, learning to enjoy fundamental disagreements because the discussion brings new nuance each time.]

[Going beyond battling for security diffuses the zero-sum game to enable everyone to gain and grow from the experience.]

Part of Why are we yelling?.

[The voice of reason makes sense of things by connecting to all the other things that give authority and power to its wielder.]

[Ghosts and spirits are a more a language to talk about unknown forces that influence us and less a physical being that we can’t interact with.]

Part of Why are we yelling?.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Let’s talk about a New Year’s resolution, a message, and change….

I have known you before. The only ones I still know are the ones that left and never looked back.

Some reflections on last night’s hawtt Jew-on-Jew action with @thedandelionking

[‘Might makes right’ disqualifies someone from leftism.]

Thursday, September 28, 2023

teach me a song

teach me a move

teach me a word

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

My way of playing includes how I deal with the unexpected: musically, and physiologically.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Injuries we experience are a reminder of what strangers may be carrying when they avoid things, and how we can be more mindful or compassionate when confronted with people who seem like or say that “they can’t”.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

In the same way that Instagram forces posting regularly in order to exist, perhaps all reverse-chronological timelines force ephemeral content. You can reference or quote to old tweets if you’re lucky, but still feels like ‘posting once makes it disappear’ unless you repeat the same isolated fragment frequently. How can one get a sense for how another thinks if they only read one tweet at a time and those tweets are spread out over a year? Perhaps ‘update platforms’ are not designed to understand larger thoughts? Blog posts can also be reverse-chronological but each can include dense context and past references so that you can collapse time in order to understand larger thoughts. So perhaps ‘update platforms’ are best suited to your ‘current status’ and those might as well disappear after 24 hours like ’ephemeral stories’; if you want to get around ephemeral content, use a blog.

To rather be helpful than right.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

If too focused on technique while playing piano, we miss enjoyment and the point of sharing stories. Is there a similar consequence if too focused on “breathing correctly” as opposed to enjoying and feeling each breath?

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Old English had “he walks not there today”, similar to other languages with negation after the verb. We change/contract that to “he doesn’t walk there today”. Perhaps a useful explaining device.

It can be a security tactic (around people who choose to deploy anger) that they become hard to estimate under unknown conditions. When anything can turn into an explosion, the environment becomes one of constant fear.

Monday, September 18, 2023

LocalCan™ - HTTPS domains for localhost and wi-fi network

Develop your apps locally with .local domains and HTTPS using LocalCan™ app for macOS

Nicer than my current setup of editing /etc/hosts, adding loc.whatever, entering my password… But I hesitate to have an experience too difference from another person who would run my apps.

Like the concept of Changelog as with Ghost and others. Not sure yet if this pattern would fit somewhere in my universe.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

AI and Desire - The Existential Coach

[We are the parents of AI and might consider what kind of family it is being brought into.]

[Asking for regulation of AI by people who don’t understand it is just PR.]

[Using the doctrine of survival to justify harm to ourselves and others.]

[AI is a mirror showing us how we treat one another.]

‘Toragesic’ is a brand of Brazilian back pain medication recommended by my therapist. I took sublingual tablets; was pretty fast and effective; tried to use it while also resting (not stressing or working during recovery) and I usually was normal after a few days. Some information in Portuguese from and less in English from and

Category is ‘anti-inflamatorio analgésico’ (translation I guess is ‘Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug’)

Active ingredient is ’trometamol cetorolaco’ (translation Ketorolac tromethamine)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

[Languages don’t exist: there are only dialects, and some of those get promoted as a vehicle for national purposes, which makes it a political event.]

[They only know what we tell them when we tell it to them.]

[Often what looks like one concept to someone with experience is really several concepts to a beginner. Make a list of all the elements involved and there will usually be one that can be learned in isolation.]

[The learner should rarely feel like something is missing. The teacher presents one idea at a time, and the learner tries to apply it feeling complete and resolved.]

[Maintain an optimum cognitive load normally and increase or decrease tension deliberately to create contours of peaks and valleys so that the experience feels dynamic and engaging.]

Part of The Thinking Method.

Monday, September 11, 2023

‘Infectious agency’ as a design goal so that features enable a feeling of so much possibility that everything else should have similar affordances.

Tried to understand why my Kobo doesn’t mount to the computer when connecting via cable. Best solution I’ve found is to try a different computer.

Kobo not connecting to computer…

[Use the cable that came with the Kobo.]

[Try a different cable.]

[Try a different computer.]

[USB 3 ports may cause issues. Try a cheap USB 2 hub in between.]

[Some USB cables are charge-only!]

Kobo Aura H2O keeps Connecting and Disconnecting USB issue [Solved-ish]

[Try turning off Wi-Fi.] Seems that the WiFi and the USB subsystems might be sharing a data path to the processor, so there can be conflicts between them.

Aura H2O Kobo won’t connect to a PC anymore

Kobo not recognized by computer

Transferring over wifi: Calibre has a content server (you can find it under preferences, sharing, sharing over the net), your Kobo can connect to it with its browser (under extra’s). The default port is 8080, there’s a more detailed explanation on the content server dialog.

More Wi-Fi possibilities in Add Books Over WiFi?, but the filenames tend to get mangled when importing this way, so I don’t like it.

Official documentation discusses none of these issues

Would love to recommend a ‘Canadian alternative’ to Amazon, but no longer wish anyone to experience ‘fussy’ electronics.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Absurd to strive for reading continuously without stopping or reflecting on anything else. Thinking about the material can and perhaps should take you away for a moment—not simply an indicator of distraction that needs to be managed.

I have taken few steps to simplify its content, deeming any simplification a complication in waiting.

Está rojo is what we might say when referring to the state of a glowing hot piece of metal, while es rojo, as a characteristic, would be used to describe a painted piece of metal.

it is this thought that we must transcribe into our new language, rather than the base language itself.

Part of The Thinking Method.