
27 entries for Recife

Thursday, November 23, 2023

A lot of us eat oranges and throw out the peels..

[Pack a jar with orange peels, fill with vinegar, and let sit in a cool dark place. After two weeks, strain into a spray bottle. The D-limonene combined with vinegar is a naturally powerful household cleaner.]

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

How to start a movement | Derek Sivers

[The first follower transforms someone else from lone nut to leader, thereby giving legitimacy to the movement. Have courage to be that follower, as it isn’t always easy, but it can help set the wheels of change in motion.]

[Treat the first followers as equals so that the movement takes precedence over the leader.]

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The more my practice is an own connection with body, the less I need to take classes or achieve a standard. In this sense I may never need to take another movement class. My progress can be personal and infinite, adapted to my context.

Embark - Dynamic documents for making plans

Travel-certified trip planning demo combining end-user programming and customization, spreadsheet-like formulas, text as super app.

ChatGPT as muse, not oracle

In rubber duck debugging, talking to a silent rubber duck helps a person figure out the problem by forcing them to put it into words. The Oblique Strategies card deck promotes creative ideas based on general loose strategies. ELIZA can ask super basic questions and cause people to feel a therapeutic relationship. In all these cases, a person gets a boost in the creative process from interacting with a tool that’s clearly far from intelligent. It seems like large language models could do at least as well as these tools, and have a much higher ceiling.

for the unwanted table talk

[Pass over unwanted conversation by saying 1) “that subject isn’t for me”, as with food you don’t eat; 2) “good to know” and “that’s interesting”, to acknowledge without agreeing; and 3) “I typically avoid this discussion”, to communicate it’s not singling them out. Nobody can force you to talk about anything you don’t want to talk about.]

Monday, November 20, 2023

So many of us throw these things out..

[Instead of wasting the ends of these veggies, grow something from them.]

[Lettuce and celery bottoms can be cut around two inches and half submerged with sticks in a cup of water (ideally filtered).]

[Take one stick of basil, remove the bottom leaves, cut the bottom of the stem at a forty-five degree angle, and place the top part in a shot glass for three days. When it grows roots, plant it in soil.]

[Green onions or scallions can be planted directly in soil to regrow in about six days.]

[Carrot tops can be cut to about an inch and planted directly in soil.]