
11 entries for Ithaca

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

How can I include a piece of those I’ve met so that they see themselves in me?

If I can sleep comfortably on a yoga mat, I have significantly expanded the ‘surface area’ of what’s possible.

No side wins when humans suffer; more to ‘win’ by finding out why are there are sides in the first place.

“Platform data” and “Other” disk usage

Reclaim Docker storage:

docker image prune
# or
docker image prune -a

docker volume prune

How do I free up disk space?

# remove downloaded packages
sudo apt-get clean

# clear package caches that can't be downloaded
sudo apt-get autoclean

# remove unused packages
sudo apt-get autoremove

5 Linux commands to check free disk space

# show disk space in human-readable format
df -h

# show disk usage in human-readable format for all directories and subdirectories
du -h

Cannot update due to one tiny app filling up 20GB drive

Remove swap storage

sudo swapoff -a
# or
sudo swapoff /apps.swap

# if desired
truncate -s 1G /apps.swap

sudo rm /apps.swap

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Jojoba oil

Hydrate skin without blocks.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Critique, The Internet, and You

[Offer critique only when you understand: 1) is it for you?; 2) under what conditions was it created?; 3) who is your audience? 4) what are your goals?. Important not to misalign by simply sharing whether you ’like’ it, or by complaining that “your seafood is bad because I don’t like seafood”.]

The Art of Documentation

[Note the context for when something is relevant so that it can be easily removed when things change.]

[Use git commit messages to document the reasoning behind certain changes.]

So you have to do a layoff.

[Do it only once, not in multiple rounds. Consider salary reductions instead (also only once), accompanied by lower labor expectations. Be very direct without trying to lighten the mood. Management signed up for this.]