
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Let’s talk about what happens “if you don’t get an education”….

[Don’t confuse credentials with education.]

[‘Representatives’ should also have something in common with you.]

Monday, March 25, 2024

Profound difference in approach between recreating something familiar and the curiosity of relating to where you currently are.

How Jacob Collier Reinvented The Guitar

[Being uncertain and curious is a more interesting place for me than knowing what I’m doing.]

[More important than recognizing the name or function of the notes played, I have an awareness of their emotional properties and how they will pull the listener into specific spaces.]

[It’s popular and valid to recreate and enjoy something you heard before; try to be clear when you want that versus something new.]

[Rather than have a disciplined practice regime, I find myself in specific and tsrgeted moments of deep exploration.]

[One of the best gifts you can give to an audience is to fumble, because it’s an invitation for them to join you at the edge of your own exploration where mist of the interesting stuff is. Music isn’t really that serious.]

A master with the humility to learn on camera.

Who does it serve when an economy costs you more and more over time?

Money is not timeless.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

How to take smart notes

[Easier to write a few notes per day than one manuscript page per day.]

[Ideas don’t mingle in an archive: let them play together.]

[The skill of independent research is determining what is the most important task at any moment; following a plan prevents you from learning this.]

Archiving ideas, even if you write them in your own words, doesn’t prompt making connections.

A great way to solve problems to not have them.

The more we need to represent our own interests (because ‘representatives’ won’t), the more power decentralizes.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

So many of us throw out orange peels..

[Turn orange peels into an insect repellent for your body or plants by boiling and cooling, then strain the liquid into a spray bottle.]

[Or peel the orange part of the peel, rinse with cold water, blend, then mix with a teaspoon of baking soda and water into a paste for a natural teeth whitener you can brush with weekly.]

[Chop them up and use as fertilizer.]

Friday, March 22, 2024

Language compresses thoughts into a lossy format, like blurry images.

It’s okay to want what you want, even if you don’t know why.

How to get rid of a pimple fast!

[Make an overnight pimple treatment by combining one teaspoon of baking soda and honey with two of apple cider vinegar, then mix into a paste.]

Thursday, March 21, 2024

I’d rather be uncorrupted ’like a child’ than detached from my essence ’like an adult'.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Spinach powder!

[Turn a bag of baby spinach into powder by dehydrating at 125°F until crispy and dry before grinding.]

Protocols will not make data fluid and interoperable without people talking to each other and making it happen.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Finally managed to install a custom app via Cloudron by following the tutorial documentation, and without installing Docker.

1. Install the Cloudron CLI locally

sudo npm install -g cloudron
cloudron login

2. Setup build tools

One-click install the Docker Registry App (replace alfa.bravo below with this app domain) and Build Service App (replace below with this app domain) via your Cloudron App Store. Configure the latter’s credentials in /app/data/docker.json via the File Manager

  "alfa.bravo": {
    "username": "CLOUDRON_USERNAME",
    "password": "CLOUDRON_PASSWORD"

and restart the app.

3. Install the pre-packaged custom app

Replace the simple tutorial app with yours:

git clone
cd tutorial-nodejs-app
cloudron build --set-build-service --set-repository alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot --tag golf
cloudron install --image alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot:golf

If you want to update, run cloudron build again, then call cloudron update like so:

cloudron build --set-build-service --set-repository alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot --tag golf
cloudron update --image alfa.bravo/echo/foxtrot:golf


Aside from the tutorial documentation, I found some hints in these forum topics:

Typing in 2FA codes is a mistake regardless of how elegantly designed the form is.

Follow what feels fun instead of clever ideas.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Jacob Collier: Fascinating Rhythm

This video is almost ten years old.

Avoid social structures that use a calculator.