
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Everyone Can Build a Twitter Audience

[Describe interesting things you’ve done in your life to build credibility: share what you learned or what someone like you would want to know.]

[You can document things that have already happened. Some of it might resonate with others.]

[An indicator of credibility is that people will want to ask you questions to learn more about your experience.]

[It wasn’t the book, but documenting how I published it that gave me credibility in self-publishing.]

[Success is not followers but people wanting to hear what you have to say.]

[They either need to be getting something from you or getting to know you as a person.]

[Giving means they stop on your tweet and don’t regret it. Asking means anything that benefits you directly, like clicking links.]

[Use your pinned tweet to gain credibility.]

[Inspiration can be something interesting that happened today, things that took a lot of effort to figure out, answers you gave in your conversations that could be relevant to your audience.]

[Find the intersection of interesting to you, interesting to your audience, and having credibility to say it.]

[Don’t tag people hoping they’ll notice you.]

[Build your credibility, promote it everywhere, and look for opportunities to build more credibility.]

[Give and ask with a seven to one ratio.]

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

[Do whatever you like, but take each action with full awareness.]

[Darkness can never become ingrained because it it NOT.]

[Experiences are illusory: only the one who experiences them is true. Pay attention to the witness.]

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

Monday, January 3, 2022

[The sense organs are windows, not projectors.]

[Not ‘one remains’ but ’two is gone’.]

[Trying to not think a thought gives energy to it, and it will come back to bother you.]

[The solution is always to watch.]

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

[The root is never above ground: attacking the visible is like fighting shadows.]

[Mind is like a crowd: we think something larger exists but there are only the individual thoughts arranged together tightly.]

[Pay attention to the gaps between thoughts.]

[Even clinging to a thought is not possible because it will eventually die: they aren’t yours and don’t belong to you—just visiting.]

[Watch for things that neither come nor go, like the sky.]

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

Notes app musings: proposals for resonate community to consider from a label perspective

[Show something that’s unavailable and provide a means to signal intent with which to inform future decisions.]