Private affluence is individuals gaining things for themselves – possessions, nice homes and experiences, trampolines. Public affluence is money spent lavishly on things that are shared – libraries, parks, buses, playgrounds.
Perfect fusing of the Brazilian language’s natural rhythm with samba’s flow: 4. Para-raio reminds me of the ‘perfect fit’ between words and percussion I hear in João Donato’s music; 9. Embola Bola (Cateretê) barely has words, almost pure voice percussion; 11. Magia feels like hip-hop; 12. Ventos do Norte like swing jazz.
[Busywork is satisfying (swoosh) and easy (ding), so do it cautiously. Email can lack affordances for priority while allowing anyone to send you one, which can easily get you absorbed in what other people demand of your attention. If you can do it hungover, it’s less valuable.]
[Increase your anti-fragility by honing keystone skills: public speaking, writing, sales, technical sensibility, design, and negotiation.]
[$10,000 per hour work is invisible and may produce no results for years or decades.]
Imagine every thought and action as sound that raises the loudness measured on a ‘sound meter’, then practice less activity to let the volume level drop as low and long as possible.
Single-bar bass loop probably never changes or stops; contrasted with sections featuring a kind of flute, chorus vocal hook (no idea what language it is), abstract saxophone solo and interjections; bass on each beat, booty-shaking, makes you dance and feel good.
[Divide the monthly price by average usage to get the hourly cost. Per hour, people might be paying about fifty cents for online streaming, a dollar or few for games and movies, five to fifteen for their creator subscriptions.]