
51 entries for Germany

Monday, May 13, 2024

List of Patterns

This project is an abridged, hyper-textual, and copyleft manifestation of the 1977 architecture classic A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander.

Let’s talk about how to change the world….

[Bring independent means having a network, and having a choice about how things get done rather than doing everything yourself.]

attachment to a specific strategy is not strategic

Saturday, May 11, 2024

On dexterity

He constrains himself only to the forgeable domains, often ones based on games of language, and so he is never put to the test. Since he can never definitively fail, he will never be cast out, but he will also never “pass” and become initiated. He remains anxiously in limbo, waiting in fear and hope for some immanent sense of identity to emerge from the undifferentiated mass, not realizing that he has already precluded the possibility of any critical event.

When being a nerd paid off

FAT32 doesn’t actually mark sectors as “deleted”. It marks the entire file as deleted, without permanently erasing any of its information until it’s needed. Testdisk knows this, and it makes recovery a breeze. The entire operation took 5 minutes.

Friday, May 10, 2024

People think that co-living community rules are whatever the first person told them.

memeable action

Thursday, May 9, 2024

No need to own my data when it’s okay to lose things.

John Cleese vs Extremism

[Extremism lets you pretend that all badness is in your enemies while all goodness is in you.]

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Political Disney World

[Progressivism creates and strengthen. Conservatism preserves and protects.]

[Between ‘what is’, ‘what should be’, and ‘how to get there’, people aligned or unaligned regardless of their viewpoint.]

[People are not ‘progressive’ or ‘conservative’ either in opposition to the other by definition: they can think in certain ways.]

[Political Disney World is interpreting people as always bad or always good like characters in a fictional story rather than complex and inconsistent as messy humans can be.]

[The Trend-Anecdote Swapper is a fallacy that misrepresents reality by casting anecdotes as evidence of a larger trend and trends as anecdotal evidence.]

[The motte-and-bailey fallacy stitches a weak and questionable argument to an irrefutable one that gets substituted when the former is scrutinized, so that someone can easily switch between when convenient.]


[Search engine for independent creators that detects ads and page size.]

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Cost of Cash…lessness

At one point they’re a consumer in the goods market, the next an employee in the job market, and the next an investor in the financial market. In each of these spaces they’re but one tiny node, and rather than recognizing the interlocking nature of the markets they pass through, they experience themselves like a blindfolded person moving around an elephant, imagining each part they touch to be a unique object.

They’re trying to imply that the €10 billion is like a gas lost to space, but those monetary costs will appear on a bunch of income statements somewhere else as income earned from providing a service, and will turn up in GDP figures.

Of course there’s a real resource cost to producing jeans, and to maintaining the cash system, but there’s also a real resource cost to maintaining an army, a logistics system, or stairs in a skyscraper.

An overflowing of difference

Conviviality is an overflowing of difference in the environment. There is so much difference being communicated that the only device possible to transmit it is the world itself. The map expands to the size of the territory. When in the presence of so much information, we feel it is incommunicable. I can’t explain it… I don’t even know where to begin.

On Storytelling

[Find shared language by replacing ’true statements’ with words that convey the emotional experience around your solution.]

[Finding ways to solve multiple issues simultaneously helps tell a stronger story than a list of bug fixes or closed issues: try to holistically answer ‘what actually happened?’]

Sunday, May 5, 2024

What is Success?

[Community is about helping each other, rather than having similar interests or agreements or approaches.]

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Social media keeps the locus of attention on small formats, which makes it easy to weaponize for misinformation.

Monday, April 29, 2024

“don’t want to do tech but doing it anyway”

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Don’t Fuck It Up!

[Randomize your MAC address often.]

[Tor is for anonymity, not encryption: you need to configure it to avoid sending unencrypted data.]

Monday, June 5, 2023

[Most people buy transactionally to make money or get laid, and non-transactionally to support things they like. Framing yourself as a utility lands you in the first category. People want a parasocial relationship with creators, and will pay to feel excused from not trying the creative path themselves. Doing and publishing isn’t enough to land you in the second category: documenting and explaining in an artful way can become as important as what you’re making. Maintaining a community implies being more active on social media.]

[Try camming.]

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

How can you read when you’re still a beginner?

[Whether you need X, Y, Z, A, B, I’ve got something for you.]

[I’ve spent years writing these courses.]

[Whether you’re a beginner, or intermediate and want to improve…]

[It’s all free via email and at different levels.]

[Sign up and I’ll get them to you right away.]