
86 entries for Brazil

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Daryl Davis on Reforming Over 200 ‘Ku Klux Klan’ Members - by Befriending Them

[Five core universal values underlie human interaction: to be loved, respected, heard, treated fair, and to want the same for one’s family.]

[Treating neo-Nazism as a culture without justifying it enables you to approach the people as with any other culture.]

[Avoid focusing on destruction, hate, or fear as they are symptoms. The root cause of ignorance, cured through education and exposure, will get symptoms under control.]

[How to be offended by insults from someone who doesn’t know you? They have no credibility.]

[Allow people time and space to marinate with ideas, avoid impatience. Even if they don’t like you, they might give you a return visit, and that’s what you want. Don’t destroy your credibility by lying.]

[Find and build upon the commonalities.]

Saturday, November 4, 2023

when is it valuable to post about something online if you’re not the primary source?

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

[The voice of possibility doesn’t need to immediately decide whether something is true, and can accept contradictory arguments simultaneously.]

Part of Why are we yelling?.

[Propose to ‘disagree and commit’ when nobody will have the ideal information anyway, especially if reversible. Try to recognize misalignment and correct quickly.]

[Leader seek to have strong judgment and good instincts. They incorporate diverse perspectives and work to disconfirm their beliefs.]

Part of Why are we yelling?.

[When resolving conflict, the voice of power uses force, the voice of reason uses systems, and the voice of avoidance uses inaction. The voice of possibility tries to make conflict productive instead, by facilitating learning, curiosity, understanding.]

Part of Why are we yelling?.

[Depersonalize points of view so that people feel free to try out other ones. Plot them on a quadrant of agreement against potential to change.]

Part of Why are we yelling?.