
11 entries for 2025

Sunday, February 16, 2025

On Funding Agencies and the Third Sector

The gruelling applications, tens of pages long and unnecessarily complicated and repetitive, were clearly meant for insiders and I soon realised that this was precisely what was being assessed - how ‘insider’ I was.

When every project has some funding agency’s logo on the footer, this is what is communicated, there is an officialisation of a sector which is, by definition, unofficial, a sector which arose to bridge the gaps of officialism. That’s when I made the ‘NOT in partnership with’ banner.

[When funding is normalized as a kind of approval, the agencies become filters who thwart anything that challenges their preferred narratives, while simultaneously supporting those narratives through their agents.]

People on the inside of these organisations are just ordinary people - some with the strength to see but not the awareness, others with the awareness but not the strength, and fewer with both. Many begin with genuine dreams to change the world, others to be seen in the image of someone who is doing just that.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

When are you leaving?

Recently, a phrase I have been saying has been, “One hand cleans the other,” and that’s how I see it in many ways. I need to continue on my Way. I have to get rid of things one way or the other. For me to give them to people who need them, who will use them, who will love them, that’s a huge bonus. It’s like 1+1=3. Like there are cheat codes in the game of life. Helping you find a copy of Snowcrash you’ve been looking for helps me get rid of a book I haven’t finished reading in 8 years. And along the way, joy and gratitude are created from nothing.

There is a place beyond words and beyond understanding; don’t run away from it. When you rest in it, not knowing is knowing. Good is bad. Right is wrong. I am you. The space between objects shrinks to nothing. To grasp it, let go. To control it, surrender. To succeed, fail. To know, don’t.

you can spend half an hour on projects or goals that intimidate you, and progress even if you just observe your discomfort and where it might come from.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Our Crisis of Imagination

We’re trapped in an era of fatalism, unable to envision alternatives to the models of ownership and funding beyond current extractive defaults. We’ve agreed that innovation can touch every aspect of our lives — except the structures that shape them. This isn’t just a failure of imagination — it’s a feature of those very structures.

From Protest to Proposal

Proposals require us to answer difficult questions that protesting alone does not: Who will build it? How will it be funded? How will it compete and self-sustain? What trade-offs are we willing to accept?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

psa to please help your friends setup tech alternatives as a social event: switch together so everyone transitions successfully with known contacts on the new platform. lone profiles leave momentum on the table.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

like a paywall requires money to access, a nerdwall requires technical knowhow

Thursday, January 16, 2025

[Getting near is important for seeing clear. If we avoid those who think differently, our understanding risks to be superficial.]

Part of Carlos Whittaker: How to Human.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

from observing what you see to observing how you watch

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

when heading somewhere people ask “have everything you’ll need?” and as a backpacker i respond “i took everything i have”.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

when someone uses a different system of understanding than yours, responding with “try my system instead” is not convincing.