
6 entries for Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Gut-Friendly Fruit Sodas

[Add some ginger bug starter to pressed juice; anything with natural sugars will do, and you can add maple syrup if none. close, and let sit for 3 days or until bubbles form. Burp them daily to avoid that they explode.]

Fermented Ginger Bug!

[Combine 6tsp chopped ginger, 4 tsp unrefined sugar, and 2 cups filtered room temperature water. Close well, shake, and let sit for a 24 hours. Feed daily with 2 tsp ginger and sugar for 3–5 days until bubbles form.]

when should one pay attention to critics? or the choir? or both equally?

Think outside the project.

Exalting data, missing meaning

[Data-centric approaches might better fit fields like manufacturing, transport, and aviation, perhaps less so education, consumer products, and other domains involving messy humans; we risk depriving ourselves of insights from philosophy, intuition, and stories, as they may still be inaccessible through quantitative approaches.]

[Specific initiatives might appear to have no effect on engagement, but might unexpectedly and invisibly affect the actor’s social or political over the long-term.]

Let’s talk about pods

[Choosing where and how to store data is less about how to make it work for one app work and more about all other apps.]

How does the way we write data impact others’ ability to reuse that data?

[The document box approach creates conflicts between 1) how data was obtained (provenance); 2) what it will be used for (trust); 3) logical groupings of items (context); 4) who has access (permission). For example, an address book app that dealing with all contact data versus a birthday app dealing only with one detail of many contacts.]