
5 entries for Tuesday, December 19, 2023

on journaling

[Prompt ideas: 1) what’s happening? 2) gratitude journaling. 3) talk with my older self.]


[Prompts levels: 1) what happened? 2) how am I feeling? 3) follow the rabbit hole.]

Digital Tools I Wish Existed

Let me compare my reading list with another to see overlap. I find this a wonderful way to spark conversation and find common interests.

The Future of Search Is Boutique

[Makes little sense to search for recipes and freelancers with the same interface: better to create diverse experiences with specific affordances for each niche.]

Re-Decentralizing the Web, For Good This Time

[Centralized systems addict us by combining what decentralization cannot: speed without cost.]

[Slower results might even be healthy if it gives us space to process the information more deeply and carefully.]