
1 entries for Friday, October 20, 2023

Poorly dressed in other folks’ old clothes, with a dog and a noisy borrowed bicycle, I’d see half the eyes in the room wish they hadn’t come the moment they realised that it was me giving the workshop. ’this is the guy?!’. Some would quickly look away as if to hide the way their faces openly displayed their shock. I quickly learnt to play off of that, and to enjoy it too; it was the first tension contour to resolve! Knowing that I would resolve that tension, I could enjoy it, a little like sitting in front of a big cake you know you are about to eat, and waiting a little!

[Problematic learners can become observers. Problematic rapports in one-on-one might work out better in a worokshop setting, or in an audio course. Terminating a relationship with the student can still maintain their engagement with the method.]

[Bear with difficult learners as long as they help illuminate deficiencies in your method. Try to convince them to play ball, but ultimately leave the choice with them.]

[Explaining etymology can help mask repetition.]

Part of The Thinking Method.