
7 entries for Wednesday, October 11, 2023

How can I include a piece of those I’ve met so that they see themselves in me?

If I can sleep comfortably on a yoga mat, I have significantly expanded the ‘surface area’ of what’s possible.

No side wins when humans suffer; more to ‘win’ by finding out why are there are sides in the first place.

“Platform data” and “Other” disk usage

Reclaim Docker storage:

docker image prune
# or
docker image prune -a

docker volume prune

How do I free up disk space?

# remove downloaded packages
sudo apt-get clean

# clear package caches that can't be downloaded
sudo apt-get autoclean

# remove unused packages
sudo apt-get autoremove

5 Linux commands to check free disk space

# show disk space in human-readable format
df -h

# show disk usage in human-readable format for all directories and subdirectories
du -h

Cannot update due to one tiny app filling up 20GB drive

Remove swap storage

sudo swapoff -a
# or
sudo swapoff /apps.swap

# if desired
truncate -s 1G /apps.swap

sudo rm /apps.swap