
3 entries for August 2023

Friday, August 18, 2023

Introduction to Arabic, Track 12

Writing words down creates an external loop that becomes part of your process and means you aren’t building affordances to recall without it.

Friday, August 11, 2023

The roads to dating advice for men….

For those who are confused: Flirting is a smile. Flirting is holding a door. Flirting is letting her have the last doughnut in the break room box. Flirting is a corny and clean dad joke. Flirting is telling her that coming to work and seeing her smile makes your day better. Flirting is NOT remarking on her bosom or derrière. Flirting is not telling her to “loosen up”. Flirting is ABSOLUTELY NOT what online “pickup pros” tell you it is. It is NOT insulting her between compliments. It is not a battle, it is not a war you must win against her. Flirting is a request for attention, and if she is receptive, she will give you that attention. But whatever you do, if she is not interested, accept it gracefully, and with charm; and the confidence that she is just not in that place in her life to want a relationship, and she is being kind enough to not lead you on. It takes courage for some women to turn men away, because some men become hostile when rejected. She is behaving courageously, keep that in mind. Her friends are watching, and THEY may be interested in you, as long as you do not become an antagonistic jerk when turned down. That is a huge red flag to women that they cannot trust you not to become potentially violent if they disagree with you. Not boyfriend material, for sure. A calm, confident man will find what he is looking for, and can rest assured that he IS worth having a relationship with, to the receptive girl at the right time in her life. And she is worth your time spent seeking for her.

Friday, August 4, 2023

(decentralize as) decomposing the remains of zombie networks too big to die so that new life can sprout everywhere like grass