
5 entries for June 2023

Friday, June 30, 2023

#246 – Doing Content Right with Steph Smith of

[Podcasts like are best friends, newsletters like acquaintances, blogs like random people you meet at conferences. You may never even know pay attention to who’s writing an article.]

[Smaller numbers but quality relationships with everyone learning and growing together]

[Podcasts are top of funnel and a big ask for people to listen for an hour. Strategically talk about the topic in other channels, and plug the podcast when it bites.]

[You wouldn’t hang out with a friend for an hour a week if they had no sense of humour and were purely informational, the experience needs to be fun.]

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Open Box Computers & Electronics

Was able to find an iPhone mini here not available anywhere else. ‘New’ here means brand new sealed in box. Claimed over the phone they resell returned items from Costco.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Is the solo model misaligned when capacity for non-projects feels chronically impossible, yet fundamental milestones seem lightyears away? How much is a celebration of what can be accomplished by one person and how much is a failure to involve others along the way?

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Simply live your your life 100%. Do what only you can do. Show as much magic as possible.

Monday, June 5, 2023

[Most people buy transactionally to make money or get laid, and non-transactionally to support things they like. Framing yourself as a utility lands you in the first category. People want a parasocial relationship with creators, and will pay to feel excused from not trying the creative path themselves. Doing and publishing isn’t enough to land you in the second category: documenting and explaining in an artful way can become as important as what you’re making. Maintaining a community implies being more active on social media.]

[Try camming.]