
51 entries for 2022

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Let’s talk about improv and talking to liberals and centrists….

[Five rules of improv: 1) yes, and…; 2) no open ended questions; 3) make them look good; 4) no need to be funny; 5) tell a story and keep it going.]

[Centrist lack a theoretical framework, keep it focused on right and wrong.]

Thursday, February 3, 2022

The roads to funding your community network projects….

[Make goals that are quantifiable, and achievable: big enough to matter and small enough to win. You want to overshoot your goal every single time. Set it up so that you win every single time.]

[In pre-advertising: announce what you’re going to do and how people can get involved.]

[Naming your benefactors might create a burden of association when you are perceived as divisive. Maybe don’t tell them or mention them until its done.]

[Remind people of the cause but don’t focus on the negative aspect so that people walk away feeling positive. If they feel bad, they won’t return.]

[Don’t guess what they need: ask them.]

[Delivering on the goal means not failing: if you’re short, cover out of pocket.]

[Document the delivery so that the people involved can see it after and feel good about making it happen.]

Making people feel they’re participation made the difference isn’t just for humility, it’s to help them feel their impact.

“Michelin Guide” Marketing

[When Michelin started, the car market was small, so they published guides as a way to encourage more driving. Ogilvy had under twenty clients before writing Confessions of an Advertising Man. Content is king.]

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Money - Simple English Wikipedia

[Through bartering, more value accrued to objects that were easier to carry around.]

[The first country to create a coin was Lydia, spreading to Greece and the Mediterranean, and eventually the rest of the world.]

[Money was favourable because it was interchangeable (fungible), could be easily divided or carried around, and lasted longer.]

Friday, January 28, 2022

Let’s talk about baseless claims about a guy named Ray….

[If someone encourages a crime but doesn’t engage and that warrants arrest, then it would be ground to charge the politicians who did the same.]

Thursday, January 27, 2022

[I love seeing someone living their extraness.]

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Writing down your thoughts requires you to observe them.

[Perfection without future evolution is dead.]

[Danger is life, and only the dead are beyond risk.]

[Obsession with a secure path leads to marriage and society.]

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

Interesting when things are impeccably organized and everything has an ID number, yet its impossible to count.

Monday, January 24, 2022

[The COVID pandemic has given the current generation a perpetual example of how we’re all connected across the planet, which makes it worthwhile to address our problems: there is no longer an African problem or ‘so-and-so’ problem because our interdependence makes it necessary to fight for each other.]

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Problem With NFTs

[The popular usage of NFTs is a mechanism to convince people to buy more crypto, thus providing liquidity for early entrants.]

[The average user on spam NFT Discords is middle-class with disposable income and uncertain about their financial future.]

[Flexing by way of buying a Times Square ad is to signal credibility to validate buyers sense of having made the right decision.]

[Sell the token first and leave ’token holders’ to decide what happens with the capital, if they overcome collective inertia—there is no product.]

[Putting all the data in one place, even if it’s in a space you ‘control’, is centralizing (specifically as a point of failure.]

[Broadcasting your unique identifier across the internet feeds into a surveillance ecosystem.]

[When the technical cost of making a modern website became to high for most amateurs, they moved from templates to services and then platforms.]

[DAOs settle for only expressing procedural group operations through code because it’s too complicated to design and account for all contingencies and their contingencies.]

[Crypto evangelist want to relegate all consequences to machines via blockchains and DAOs to abdicate humans of any responsibility for bad outcomes.]

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Whitepaper | Circles UBI | Handbook:

[Everyone has their own currency operating by a shared set of rules, culminating to form a kind of monetary fabric.]

[Each personal currency mints new coins for the associated person every minute, and the quantity inflates each year.]

[To mitigate the risk of any account turning into a sybil, trust can be revoked, which allows the revoker to continue spending the revokee’s coins but not receive new coins from them.]

[If Carol and Bob are strangers (not yet established mutual trust) but both extend trust to Alice, they can send each other money by transacting in AliceCoin; through transitive chains of trust Carol and Bob receive BobCoin and CarolCoin, respectively.]

[If a trusted person creates a Fake account, other people cannot receive FakeCoin until they trust it, and that person can only spend it if other people trust it.]

faq – Circles UBI:

[People receive CRC unconditionally and the supply is constantly increasing, which incentivizes spending (flowing) over hoarding.]

[The current dominant monetary system is like agricultural monoculture, which devitalizes the soil and requires pesticides to protect. Circles is more diverse:] if you lose your strawberry fields, you will still have your roses and potatoes and cannabis.

[Being careless with trust in Circles mostly hurts you personally and not the whole system.]

[Trust limits are the percentage of your Circles that you are willing to hold in a given person’s coin (50% by default, but may be lowered or cancelled eventually); they prevent you from losing all your tokens through transitive transactions.]

[You can start your own local Circles community without three trust connections by sending 0.1–0.2 xDAI to your account, but this will only be useful if you invite your network to exchange products and services with you.]

[“Shared wallets” do not issue UBI or receive trust, but they can be opened and shared by anyone in a group or organization. Businesses should not use personal wallets because taxes are complicated.]

[UBI stops if you don’t log into your wallet for 90 days, thus incentivizes meaningful usage. To receive UBI after that you need to create a new wallet and transfer over your old CRC.]

[Circles is not on any crypto exchange as it is meant for spending, not for getting rich. You might convince someone to give you other currencies for your tokens, but the peer-to-peer nature of Circles makes it hard to give liquidity to the whole network.]

[The co-op covers transaction costs on the xDAI chain so that buyers and sellers can use the marketplace for free.]

Thursday, January 20, 2022

[Response is from the situation whereas reaction is from habit.]

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Monday, January 17, 2022

Rahul Vohra’s 7 principles of game design

[The conditions for flow include: 1) knowing what to do next; 2) knowing how to do it; 3) being distraction-free; 4) receiving clear and immediate feedback; 5) feeling a balance between challenge and skill.]

Sunday, January 16, 2022

[Bliss is just a word: you can desire it but not know what it is. Only one who has tasted it can give it to you, and without doing anything: from their presence alone the unknown flows toward you.]

[A master is an availability, not a teacher. A teacher may not know, having perhaps learned from other teachers. A master gives you a taste.]

[A guru has not mastered anything, or gone through training, or disciplines himself. Rather than mastering art, they have lived life completely, natural, and loose—without force, by moving with the winds and allowing nature its course. Through millions of experiences of suffering, pain, bliss, happiness, they have matured. Ripe and heavy with the fruit, ready to fall, they can fall into you if you are ready to receive. Pregnant and heavy with the divine, he is ready to pour down, only a thirsty earth is needed.]

[A guru is God’s address.]

[A great teaching doesn’t give you instructions for doing, as it is concerned with your being.]

You are already that which you can be.

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

Why Do We Scroll?

[Picking my phone, looking at the lock screen, and putting it down again is enough for me to take a break.]

[Apps that check in by asking ‘are you still watching?’]

[Technology provides a sense of bubble-ness, a place to go. Like a parent that’s always there for you.]

[Acknowledge the different parts of you that might be in conflict with each other.]

Friday, January 14, 2022

Precisely at the moment distraction begins, take a huge slow breath, feeling the air in your lungs, and continue with awareness, observing as much as possible.

Interface In Game

collection of video games UI interfaces, screenshots and videos.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Did anyone tell you how awesome you are for doing what you’re doing right now?