
2 entries for Sunday, January 16, 2022

[Bliss is just a word: you can desire it but not know what it is. Only one who has tasted it can give it to you, and without doing anything: from their presence alone the unknown flows toward you.]

[A master is an availability, not a teacher. A teacher may not know, having perhaps learned from other teachers. A master gives you a taste.]

[A guru has not mastered anything, or gone through training, or disciplines himself. Rather than mastering art, they have lived life completely, natural, and loose—without force, by moving with the winds and allowing nature its course. Through millions of experiences of suffering, pain, bliss, happiness, they have matured. Ripe and heavy with the fruit, ready to fall, they can fall into you if you are ready to receive. Pregnant and heavy with the divine, he is ready to pour down, only a thirsty earth is needed.]

[A guru is God’s address.]

[A great teaching doesn’t give you instructions for doing, as it is concerned with your being.]

You are already that which you can be.

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding.

Why Do We Scroll?

[Picking my phone, looking at the lock screen, and putting it down again is enough for me to take a break.]

[Apps that check in by asking ‘are you still watching?’]

[Technology provides a sense of bubble-ness, a place to go. Like a parent that’s always there for you.]

[Acknowledge the different parts of you that might be in conflict with each other.]