
We Don’t Sell Saddles Here

[By focusing promotion less on a specific product and more on compelling future outcomes, you can become a go to point for the larger activity or lifestyle and be perfectly positioned to point towards what your business offers: for example, Lululemon selling yoga, the ACME Saddle company selling horseback riding, designer brands selling desirability, Nike selling success…]

[When offering something people have no references for, or that they don’t know they want, copy needs to be framed not in terms of simply features but outcomes that speak to where the customer is. Doing a better job providing what customers want goes hand-in-hand with communicating that as well as possible. It’s imperative to eliminate every little thing that could get in the way of a fluid experience, because the person using this already has too much to deal with and now they have to learn your random piece of software.]

[No points for features if they don’t squarely address the larger purpose.]

Every bit of grace, refinement, and thoughtfulness on our part will pull people along. Every petty irritation will stop them and give the impression that it is not worth it.

in Winnipeg / Canada article