
[The parable of the prodigal son] means that if you remain on the right path, you will not be celebrated by existence. You will be a simpleton, you will not be enriched by life. You will not have any salt in you; you may be nutritious, but no spices. You will be very simple, good, but your goodness will not have a complex harmony in it. You will be a single note, not millions of notes falling into a melody. You will be a straight line, with no curves and no corners. Those curves and corners give a beauty, they make life more mysterious, they give depth. You will be shallow in your sainthood, you will not have any depth in you.

[Mantra forces the causes into your unconscious, delaying transformation. Tantra awakens for better awareness.]

[The symptom is useful in that it keeps nagging you when something is wrong.]

[Never seek someone to help: only an enlightened on can help, and it flows naturally. A true master never tries to change anyone: like a subtle fragrance they surround you and enter only if you take a whiff.]

[Meditation is just coming back home to rest, not even a prayer or mantra.]

Your seeking creates a smoke around the flame. You go on running around and around, you stir much dust, and you create much smoke, and it is your own effort that stirs the dust and creates the smoke, and the flame becomes hidden. Rest a little, let the dust settle back to the earth. And if you are not running very fast, not in a hurry, you will not create smoke. By and by, things settle and the inner light is revealed.

Part of Tantra: The Supreme Understanding. in Toronto / Canada book